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加入社区农场或杂货鸡舍。Join a community farm or grocery coop.

于是“狐狸溜进了皮克斯的鸡舍”Then a fox snuck into Pixar’s henhouse.

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那农民给他的鸡搭了一间鸡舍。The farmer built a cot for his chickens.

你是把狐狸放在鸡舍里。You're putting the fox into the henhouse.

如果不能,你会希望有加州鸡舍那种大小的伸展空间。Short of that, you want California-size leg room.

狐狸袭击鸡舍,接著带著俘获物逃走了。The fox raid the henhouse and run off with its prize.

后来她看到鸡舍附近的篱笆又坏了。Then she saw the broken fence near the chicken house.

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狐狸袭击鸡舍,接著带著俘获物逃走了。The fox raided the henhouse and ran off with its prize.

一个男孩子踢足球,球落在了一个鸡舍里。A boy kicked his football, and it landed in a chicken yard.

小偷在鸡舍偷了只鸡。逃跑时,撞翻了鸡舍里的灯,鸡舍着火了!Escape, knocked over a lamp in the coop, chicken house on fire!

在鸡舍里,所有的鸡聚在一起瑟瑟发抖。In the henhouse, all the chickens got together and were shivering.

鸡舍里所有的鸡都挤到一起,瑟瑟发抖。In the henhouse, all the chickens got together and were shivering.

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“很显然,他们的Eglu牌塑料鸡舍已经取得了巨大成功,”洛维特说。"Obviously, they have had great success with the Eglu, " said Lovett.

她把草地犁成菜园,还搭了鸡舍牛房。She plowed the meadow into a garden and set up brooder house and barn.

白瓦房后面就是鸡舍,被树林遮挡住了。In the back of the white are the henhouses, which hidden in the forest.

鸡舍内不得留有任何农具、杂物和垃圾。No farm equipment, sundries or garbage should be left inside the sheds.

那四只臭鼬就走入鸡舍。但它们一进到里面。The four skunks walked into the hen house, but as soon as they were inside.

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大卫•哈特告诉WJAR电视台,这种情况就像一只狐狸正在看鸡舍。David Hart told WJAR-TV that the situation is like a fox watching a hen house.

但乍看起来,这确实就像让狐狸看守鸡舍一样。But at a glance, it certainly seems like a case of the fox guarding the henhouse.

鸡舍抱蛋的母鸡看见食物来了,一个箭步冲向饲料,抢先进食。The one in chicken coop dashed toward the food when she saw it and gobbled first.