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飞机正在表演倒飞和其他绝技。The aeroplanes were flying upside down and doing other stunts.

蜂鸟是唯一可以倒飞的鸟类。Hummingbirds are the only types of birds that can fly backwards.

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当直升机到达操控者的正前方时,机体刚好成为倒飞的姿态。The helicopter should be inverted as it passes in front of the pilot.

我看到地面的升起,然后飞机进入到倒飞的状态。I see the ground come up, and the aircraft is inverted with wings level.

后退飞行至降落区的上空保持倒飞停悬,即完成此动作。To complete this maneuver fly, backward to a hover above the landing area.

在报告中,这位工程师在飞机倒飞的时候被弹射了出去。According to reports the navigator ejected while the aircraft was flying upside down.

第四级属于高级程度,使操控者有能力执行基础的倒飞动作。To the level of a pilot capable of performing the beyond the basics of Inverted Flight.

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所有的特技飞行动作无论是正飞还是倒飞都由水平方向开始和结束。All aerobatic figures start and end from horizontal lines in either upright or inverted flight.

你先向前飞,在后半部分做一个外侧筋斗,直到你进入水平倒飞。You push forward and fly the second half of an outside loop till you are in horizontal inverted flight.

然后试着翻180度。从正飞自旋转开始,以倒飞自旋转结束。Then try to flip 180 degree by starting with an upright pirouette and finishing with an inverted pirouette.

当直升机处于倒飞状态时,必须减少螺距,尽可能使飞行轨迹成为圆形的环状。As the helicopter is "on its back", the pilot should reduce collective so as to keep the loop as round as possible.

却听得“哎唷”、“啊哟”连声,三人一个接一个的倒飞了出来,摔在地下。In a matter of seconds howls of pain were heard, and the three came hurtling out again backwards and tumbled on to the ground.

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一声惨叫!混合着骨头断裂的声音,只见到这个玄天门的弟子迅疾的倒飞了出去!One bellows! Mix the bone splits of voice, the pouring of pupil quickly ailment namely sees this Xuan door in the sky flew to go out!

而最终撤离返回的时候,组合体不再掉头,飞船采取倒飞撤离,即直接从前面撤离。And eventually retreat return, combined body no longer turn, spacecraft taken directly from the front inverted evacuation, evacuation.

机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打左舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副翼打左舵使直升机向左完成侧滚二圈。With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add left cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the left.

机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打左舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副翼打左舵使直升机向左完成侧滚二圈。With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add left cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the left.

机头朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打右舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副翼打右舵使直升机向右完成侧滚二圈。With the helicopter hovering Nose-In, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the right.

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机尾朝向操控者保持停悬,将副翼打右舵使直升机翻滚为倒飞的姿态,持续地将副翼打右舵使直升机向右完成侧滚二圈。With the helicopter hovering Tail-In, add right cyclic and flip the helicopter to inverted, continue until the helicopter has completed 2 rolls to the right.

它先启动反转推进器,整个船体翻转了180度,倒飞着使它的炮管直指追击而来的战机。It fires its reverse thrusters, and the ship flips over 180 degrees. It is suddenly flying backward, staring directly down its barrels at the ships pursuing it.

在降落区的上空将直升机保持倒飞停悬,机体以顺时针的方向保持自旋,并且朝右侧开始执行外侧水平8字飞行。With the helicopter inverted hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right.