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对不起,我什么也没闻声。Sorry, I don't hear anything.

你闻声他的用词了吗,林顿?Did you notice his language, Linton?

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我闻声有人在开柜子。I heard someone opening the cabinet.

我闻声他唱一首英文歌。I apprehendd him sing an English song.

你闻声雨点打在屋顶上了吗?Do you hear the rain pattering on the roof?

人们常常闻声她唱这首盛行歌曲。People always heard her singing this pop song.

他对午饭的铃声装作没闻声。He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell.

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聋子闻声哑巴说瞎子看见了爱情。The deaf hear mute said the blind saw loveqiywm. cn.

我们在做这些项目的时候许多人闻声到来。When we do these events there is a lot of people coming.

您能设念我闻声阿谁音尘有多诧异吗?Can you imagine how much I was surprised to hear the news?

昨天晚上先生也许闻声有人进来吧?Possibly Monsieur may have heard some one come in last night?

闻道和剑雄此时也闻声赶来,并带来了美酒。WenDaoHe sword male is heard at this time, and have brought wine.

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她还没来得及坐下来,就闻声有人拍门。Hardly had she sat down when she heard someone knocking at the door.

一会儿洞里传来狗叫声,猫闻声而逃。Then, fierce barking burst inside the hole, the cat ran for its life.

一切停滞了,你听到五声短促的枪响,警察闻声而来。Everything stops, you hear five, quick shots, the cops come up for air.

我们很少闻声河水的咆哮声或下面壁架式高原上三角叶杨树发出鼓掌般的劈啪声。Seldom can you hear the roar of the river. You cannot catch the patter.

安静的夜里宁静的能闻声虫鸣的声音。The stillness of the night of quiet can hear the sound of honking worm.

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挖到这个地方时,闻声下面‘砰’的一声,估计是挖断了下水道涵管。Dig into this place, heard below the bang 'of 1, estimation is dig broke.

切石匠闻声四处观望,却没看见一个人影。At the sound of the voice the stone-cutter looked round but could see nobody.

这就是说,河里放炮了,炸鱼了,他们闻声而脱是去捞鱼的。That is to say, firecrackers had been set off in the river to blast the fish.