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小男孩一溜烟儿跑了。The boy ran away swiftly.

四个修女欣然同意,然后一溜烟跑掉了。The four nuns agree, and run off.

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说罢,唐僧告了个罪,一溜烟跑了。Tang Seng has been a crime, fell ran.

上课铃声响了,邹猛一溜烟跑进教室。Zou Meng , Don't run in the classroom.

那个贼一溜烟儿转过街角就看不见了。The thief whip round the corner and out of sight.

他们看到你来,一溜烟儿跑了。When they saw you coming,they took to their heels.

她亲了一下我的脸颊,然后一溜烟地跑回了家。She kissed my cheek and then smoked into her house.

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他随即一溜烟跑去追他那些朋友了。And he made his escape at a run to join his friends.

她一溜烟走出门外,隐没在马房的黑暗中。She slipped out the door and disappeared into the dark barn.

这个小霸王一看到我大哥汤姆,就掉转头一溜烟地逃走了。When this bully saw my big brother Tom, he turned tail and ran.

这时,骗子带着钱袋,转身一溜烟地逃得无影无踪。Then, taking the money, the thief turned and got clear away swiftly.

这可叫它吃不消,它沿着街一溜烟跑了,号得像一只烫伤的猫。It was too much for him and he took off down the street, squalling like a scalded cat.

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此时此刻,谁也没有心思继续战斗下去,我飞快地跨上自行车,一溜烟地朝家的方向奔去。At this moment, I quickly step onto a bike, fell and ran towards the direction of home.

那孩子马上就一溜烟逃跑了,他爬上那高高的木板围墙,一翻过去就不见了。The lad fled, on the instant scrambled up the high board fence and disappeared over it.

她一溜烟跑下去,找到一个佣人,问他是否能帮她叫辆马车。Slipping out , she ran down and, finding a servant, asked if he could get her a carriage.

当我要找人帮助洗碗碟时,孩子们一溜烟地全都跑出了屋子。When I asked for some help with the washing up, the children all left the room tike a streak of lightning.

小奶包把小海蓝塞到十一手中,一溜烟跑得无踪影了。The small milk wraps to fill to blue small sea in 11 hands and away and disappear run have no trace and shadow.

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最后它们吃饱了,从树上爬下来一溜烟消失在浓密的森林深处。At last, when they had eaten their fill, the troop clambered down the tree and vanished into the shadowy forest.

当他走在上班或回家的路上时,人们经常可以看到他身后跟着一溜烟雾。As he walked between his house and his office at Princeton, one could often see him followed by a trail of smoke.

话还没落地,从兜里掏出张名片递给客人,带着他的伞王一溜烟走了。With that he produced a business card from his pocket, gave it to the visitor, and was whisked away with his Umbrella King.