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如何帮助无家的流浪人?。How to Help a Homeless Person?

如果浪人芽你五的时间。If the ranger shoots you five time.

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浪人和战士将得到比较多的耐力了。Rogues and Fighters now get a little more Stamina.

浪人没有这样的奢侈条件,只好依靠自己。The ronin had no such luxury and had to rely on his own resources.

所有战士…浪人…在创建角色时可以选择拿弓。All fighters and rogues may now take a bow starting kit in character creation.

虞啸天在和日本浪人打斗的过程中,衣服被日本浪人手中的刀割破。Yu Xiaotian's clothes is lacerated by Ronins's knife when he tussle with them.

日本近代史上的"中国通",往往被当作日本浪人来看待。Old China Hand" is often considered as Japanese ronin in modern Japanese history."

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同时,日本特务、浪人及其商人也疯狂地走私毒品。At the same time, Japanese spies, trampers and businessmen also madly smuggled drugs.

但请记住,阿卡拉也许是我们的精神领袖,我却在战争中指挥着浪人们。But know this, Akara may be our spiritual leader, but I command the rogues in battle.

修正了了一个在任务“浪人”中的问题。失败的目标现在能够被正确指出。Fixed a problem in mission "The Ronin ". Failed objectives are now indicated correctly.

穿过小镇的那个浪人武士是由年轻的仲代达矢扮演的。One of the samurai who is seen walking through the town was played by a young Tatsuya Nakadai.

“浪人”也表示,多次被偷,问题的关键首先要在该女孩自己的身上找。Ronin" also said that many were stolen, the crux of the matter first in the girls find themselves."

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虞啸天在和日本浪人打斗的过程中,衣服被日本浪人手中的刀割破。While fighting, Yu Xiaotian's clothes are cut by the Japanese who are carrying knives in their hands.

好笑的是时间好像给有原则的人给了人生价值的回报,给浪人一种苦笑。Funny is the time seems to have principles of people to the value of life return to the Ronin a smile.

他与日本浪人首领头山满,有长达28年的交往,保持终生的友谊。Among his Japanese friends, Tooyama Mitsuru had supported him for 28 years, and kept a lifetime friendship with him.

如果您是在找八卦新闻的话,真抱歉,你走错地方了。因为网主“浪人”超不八卦,所以这里不会有那种新闻,请到别处找吧。If you are looking for news and latest updates on Adam, please visit his forum which is up to speed on his information.

然而,通过考辨其历史成因得知,真正的中国通有别于日本浪人,他们是一些精通汉文化的、高层次的知识分子群体。But we can reach a conclusion from history that the real Old China Hand are the intellectuals who are different from Japanese ronin.

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体术高强的体操王子连技华丽的射击浪人还有刷图打宝的爱好者等等。Operation of high-strength body of gymnastics prince even technical gorgeous brush fire Ronin also plans to play Bao fans, and so on.

炮艇是一种专门设计的重武装太空梭和登陆器,深受行商浪人和探险家的喜爱。Guncutters are custom-designed heavily armed shuttles and landers, often favoured by Rogue Traders, explorers, and less savoury elements.

贾老道久久不见黑皮出来,便以差巴眼的浪人身份之便进入宪兵队,找黑皮要货。Jia Road for a long time but not black out, then the identity of ronin tralpa eyes will enter the gendarmerie, looking for the black to goods.