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世界在痛痒无关的专暴中为它的好心者而遭受最大的痛苦。The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well-wisher.

睑缘充血、主觉痛痒及烧灼感。There are marginal hyperemia and pain, itching, burning sensation as symptoms.

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那种痛痒通常会在分娩后消除,但这并不能让你现在感觉好一点。The itching and pain usually clear up after delivery, but that won’t make you feel better now.

这种似乎不关痛痒的袭击的效果比乍看上去大得多,影响很广泛。The results of this seemingly innocuous raid were more widespread than appears at first glance.

其他的长老一个接一个怯生生地站起来,提出了一些不关痛痒的要求,拉姆全热情地接纳了。One by one the other elders now timidly rise with innocuous requests, which rahm receives warmly.

重了可就是肿痛痒、斑点、暗疮一同来,严酷影响各位爱美的姐妹们的笼统呢。Heavy is the swelling that can be itchy, spots, acne together, the harsh beauty of the sisters you generally do.

近30年来,泰勒指出,美国经历了几次经济衰退时期,站在历史的角度来看,稍纵即逝且不关痛痒。For nearly 30 years, Taylor points out, the few downturns the U.S. has suffered have, in historical terms, been both short and shallow.

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日本处于北韩飞弹的射程范围之内,加上目前所有的制裁方案都无关北韩的痛痒,正不馀遗力地再追加推动一份新的严厉制裁方案。Japan, within range of the North’s missiles, is pushing hardest for punitive sanctions on top of the existing ones that have failed to bite.

清除虫咬要减轻蚊虫或跳蚤的叮咬造成的痛痒,可以敷一块拧过的湿毛巾或将一勺水和三勺苏打制成的糊状物敷到被叮咬处。Relieve Bug Bites To soothe the itch of a mosquito or flea bite, apply a wet wrung-out washcloth or a paste of one teaspoon water and three teaspoons baking soda.

消除虫咬要减轻蚊虫或跳蚤的叮咬造成的痛痒,可以敷一块拧过的湿毛巾或将一匙水和三匙苏打制成的糊状物敷到被叮咬处。Relieve Bug Bites To soothe the itch of a mosquito or flea bite, apply a wet wrung-out wash cloth or a paste of one teaspoon water and three teaspoons baking soda.

能迅速缓和过敏反应,具止痛痒作用,亦可以提供皮肤额外补湿、滋润,同时可在皮肤上形成防护膜,加速细胞再生。Instantly relief the effect of allergy and have the instant effect of cooling, at the same time can provide nourishment and hydration to skin which enhance renewal of skin.

一个穷人省吃俭用来布施,尽管只是一个小小的施与,那个精神利益要比一个有钱人九牛一毛、不关痛痒却数量庞大的施舍来得更大。A small donation that stretches a person of little means is considered of greater spiritual consequence than a large but personally insignificant donation from a wealthy person.

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那年春天,天气特别好。这春气鼓动得人心像婴儿出齿时的牙龈肉,受到一种生机授牙的痛痒。The weather that spring was especially beautiful. Stirred by the invigorating spring, men, like infants cutting their teeth, somehow itched painfully from the budding of new life.