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你能让你爸爸别对我不依不饶么?Won't you tell your dad get off my back?

算上下一个礼物,我将对她不依不饶的要更多的礼物。Besides the next gift, I will importunate her for more.

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但物业公司不依不饶,把张先生诉至法院。But property companies needed to Mr Cheung proper court.

在每一次正式辩论前,鲍勃和迈克不依不饶的挑战令我疲于招架。Bob and Mike wore me out in tough encounters before each debate.

午饭的时候最糟,我的七个朋友一直不依不饶地追问我。Lunch was the worst. Seven of my friends could pester me at once.

自1991年俄罗斯开始衰落以来,美国一直在不依不饶地侵扰他们。The US has been kicking Russia while it was down ever since 1991.

布朗尼的主人特德被这只暴怒的、不依不饶的小狗骚扰个不停。Ted, Brownie 's owner, was steadily harassed by the furious, adamant little dog.

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布朗尼的主人特德被这只暴怒的、不依不饶的小狗骚扰个不停。Ted, Brownie’s owner, was steadily harassed3 by the furious, adamant4 little dog.

上周的华盛顿,共和党和民主党的两名元老在互通的电话里依然不依不饶。An old Republican well into his 70s telephoned an even older Democrat last week in Washington.

你一定是做得太过火了,否则她不会对你如此不依不饶的。You must have overplayed your hand or she wouldn't have taken off her gloves to you like that!

“他们说,”她不依不饶地说,“昨天夜里伏地魔绕到高锥克山谷。"What they're saying, " she pressed on, "is that last night Voldemort turned up in Godric's Hollow.

而在中东问题上,他也不依不饶、争取突破——虽然尚无明显进步。And Obama continues to press hard, if with no clear progress, for a breakthrough in the Middle East.

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当自己与别人发生矛盾时,我们是不依不饶呢,还是化干戈为玉帛呢?When we make contradiction with others, we'll take off the gloves or turn hostility into friendship?

我祖父的生意几年前就破产了,但他还是不依不饶地破事儿重提。My grandfather's business went bankrupt years ago but he still rakes over the ashes from time to time.

我们不依不饶,不安其位,居然连续两个赛季捧得联赛冠军。We cynically barged in, rose well above our station and stole the Premier League title two seasons in a row.

可海上的滚滚波涛却不依不饶、气势汹汹地翻得又陡又高,每个浪头都给小船的航行带来一次麻烦。These waves were most wrongfully and barbarously abrupt and tall, and each froth-top was a problem in small boat navigation.

但孟加拉政府官员对此却不依不饶,多次向尤努斯进行发难,并对孟加拉国小额信贷机构的工作提出质疑。Since then, government officials have engaged in attacks against Yunus and challenged the work of all microlenders in Bangladesh.

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两人不依不饶,大声辱骂司机,司机见他们喝醉了,没有理睬。Two people according to are not bountiful , the shouting insults driver, the driver saw them to get drunk, has not paid attention.

他承认那是他的,而且也向你表示了歉意,你为还要对他如此的不依不饶呢?He admitted he was in the wrong and had already expressed his apology. But why should you still come down on him like a ton of bricks?

梁主任却不相信她的说辞,说珍珠不会做这样的事情,小娜不依不饶,一定要医院处理珍珠。Said liang, but dont believe her rhetoric, director of pearl will not do such a thing, XiaoNa adamant4, be sure to hospital with pearl.