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那么说,她还欠着债?So she had debts, then?

如果不会,那你还欠自己一个道歉。If not, you owe yourself an apology.

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我们还欠汽车修理厂的修理费。We still owe the garage for those repairs.

我们的车还欠几百英镑未付清。We have several hundred pounds owing on our car.

他买那辆车还欠着近一百英镑的债。He still owes nearly a hundred pounds on that car.

其次,对估价师的管理还欠完善。Secondly, the management of valuers also less perfect.

但在评委眼中,该片在艺术上还欠些火候。In the judges’ eyes, however, the film was just not artsy enough.

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我问道,“你得知道,我还欠她一百八十二次呢!”" I said, "because you see, I owe her a hundred and eighty-two more.

面包和奶酷的钱我已付了,但黄油钱还欠着。I have paid for the bread and the cheese. But the butter I still owe for.

于是,金匠给了他三百个银币,还欠他一百。The goldsmith gave him three hundred talers, and remained a hundred in his debt.

根据我们的估计,你还欠二万元的税要补缴。According to our calculations, you owe over twenty thousand dollars in back taxes.

根据我们的估计,你还欠二万元的税要补缴。According to our calculations, you own over twenty thousand dollars in back taxes.

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他抛下我们娘俩,跟一个会计跑了,还欠了债,我也在找他。We wore his throwing, running with an accounting, still owes the debt, I also asked him.

法院让雇主将雇员薪金中的一部分拿来付还欠法院债的命令。Court order to make an employer pay part of an employee's salary to the court to pay off debt.

加布里埃尔认出了她就是早上坐在黄色马车上照镜子的那位,她还欠着加布里埃尔两便士。Gabriel recognized the girl of the yellow cart and the mirror, the girl who owed him twopence.

谁说我还欠半导体的钱?我当时付了50美元清了账。Who said I still owed for the transistor?I paid 50 dollars down and gave a good account of it.

“进来吧,你还欠我一支舞,难道你忘了?”瑞克微笑着凝视她。"Come on, you owe me a dance, or you don't you remember that?" asked Rick looking at her with a smile.

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到第二年的端午,又说“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢!”During the Dragon Boat Festival the following year, he said again, “Kong Yiji still owes me 19 coppers!”

如果一个人死时还欠犹太人的钱,他的寡妇可以得到丈夫的遗产而不必付这笔债。If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it.

乙得到了价值4元的土地但他还欠丙2元,他的净资产就是2元。B owned a piece of land that is worth 4 dollar but since he has a debt of 2 dollar with C, his net Asset is 2 dollar.