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培植高山植物。He breeds alpine plants.

为了培植那些鲜花,关爱和照顾是必不可少的。To foster those flowers, caring is a need.

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“可是,”她补充说,“这粒种子要好好地培植。”"But," she adds, "The seed may be planted.

这酒是用有机肥料培植长成的葡萄制成的。The wine is made from organically-grown grapes.

科学家研究用干细胞培植发囊治疗男性秃头。Male-Pattern Baldness Found Rooted in Stem Cells.

人生的伟大目的,是培植人格,惟有人格,是我们能够带入永恒的东西……This is the only thing we can carry with us into eternity.

初学者只有借这个方法,才能培植出他的文体。That is the only way a style can be cultivated by a beginner.

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培植的皮肤组织可以用来进行外伤和烧伤修复。Engineered skin tissue is already used in wound and burn repair.

该公司正打算培植的租赁一旦搬迁。The company is planning to lease that building once it relocates.

欧洲的一种培植石竹,玫瑰红色花非常芬芳。European pink cultivated for its very fragrant pink or rosy flowers.

在爱护花草培植水果方面没有人能比得上波摩娜。No one excelled Pomona in love of the garden and the culture of fruit.

初学净土者,宜以培植坚固信愿为要务。Pure Land beginners who wish to cultivate strong letter ready to service.

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海湾边的这座城市年夜2001年的科技崩盘中学到了不要过度培植。The City by the Bay learned from the tech crash of 2001 not to overbuild.

上主拔除傲慢民族的根苗,在他们的地方,却培植谦虚的人。The roots of the proud God plucks up, to plant the humble in their place.

他们共养这么多人,也是培植自己的势力。By supporting these people, the aristocracy could also cultivate their own power.

接受人工培植膀胱移植的病人仍然还要借助管子将尿液导出。Patients with the lab-grown bladders still must use tubes regularly to empty them.

谈到他未来的打算,卡加梅说培植反对派并非他的工作。Of his plans for the future, Kagame said it was not his job to foster an opposition.

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科学家已经成功培植出了世界上第一株蓝色玫瑰。Scientists' efforts to create the world's first blue rose have, well, come up roses.

运用化学发光技术研究了培植牛黄的活性氧自由基。The active oxygen radicals of cultured bezoar have been studied by chemiluminescence.

阐述了水培植物的销售现状,说明研究和设计其销售包装的必要性。The necessity to study and design sales package of water culture plants was explained.