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你是一个乡下佬。You're a hick.

一个乡下土孩子!Child of the soil!

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蝗虫把乡下的庄稼吃得净光。Locusts ate the country bare.

而我呢,只是一个干瘪瘪的乡下主教。I am only a poor peasant bishop.

西蒙?保罗住在乡下。Simon Paul lives in the country.

汉克是个淳朴的乡下少年。Hank is a small-town country boy.

我觉得我真是个乡下佬。I guess I'm just a country cousin.

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齐拉嘲笑他是个乡下孩子。Zilla mocked him as a country boy.

他刚从乡下来。He's just come from the countryside.

乡下佬只有饮食橘色的苏打!?!?。Jake only has diet orange soda! ?! ?

戴维被分配到乡下。Davy was assigned to the countryside.

他隐居乡下。He buried himself in the countryside.

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他去乡下养病去了。He went to the country to recuperate.

她少女时期是在乡下度过。She spent her girlhood in the country.

这些乡下小姑娘歌唱得很好。These rustic lassies are good singers.

乡下的尼泊尔人的生活场景。Typical scenes of rural Nepalese life.

哼,那我们都是乡下土孩子。Well, we all are children of the soil.

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麦特和妻子住在乡下。Matt and his wife lived in the country.

他在乡下过着悠然的日子。He lives a carefree life in the country.

佐贺县是个乡下地带,很需要旅游业。Saga is a rural dump that needs tourism.