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那本书与其说是猥亵的,倒不如说是活泼地。The book is racy rather than obscene.

猥亵的思想将导致渎神之举。Impure thoughts lead to profane actions.

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苏珊被指控犯有猥亵露体罪。Susan was charged with indecent exposure.

他在大家眼中成了一个猥亵儿童犯。He'd been publicly labeled a child molester.

他因猥亵一名少女而声名狼藉。His reputation stunk for obscenities to a maiden.

你说啥?猥亵儿童?男妓先生,前方带路!A child molester, you say? Lead the way, good sir pimp!

他是在参加一个卑鄙猥亵的餐会。He was by turns devout and obscene, merry and lachrymose.

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他们也猥亵代表团里来自印度东北的女性。They also nagged at girls in the delegation from the northeast.

还有东京地铁上行为鬼祟的“猥亵男”。And then there’s the gropers on Tokyo’s underground train system.

那些带有进攻性的长篇大论的人——种族主义者,厌恶女人的人,猥亵的人——则是例外。Offensive rants—racist, misogynist, or obscene — are an exception.

2005年,迈克尔。杰克逊因猥亵儿童罪的指控受到审判。In 2005, Michael Jackson went to trial on child molestation charges.

她躺在那里,身上什么都没盖,她的断腿看上去几乎有些猥亵。She lay with the covers off her, and the stump looked obscene to him.

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是一个不错的计划,尤其是如果你是一个串行儿童猥亵嫌疑人。Not a bad plan, especially if you are a serial child molester suspect.

赤裸裸的猥亵细节再度充斥了报纸的版面。The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.

他最后因猥亵而被判刑后来被保释。He was eventually convicted on obscenity charges but was freed on bail.

最初,双人滑冰看作被是猥亵的,但在1908年被加入。Initially, pairs skating was regarded as indecent, but was added in 1908.

那三本现代小说均被道学先生们斥为同样猥亵。Those three modern novels are denounced as equally obscene by the wowser.

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西奥多为格雷琴拍摄猥亵照,她将照片与一则短信通过手机发给了“将军”。T-Bag takes racy photos of Gretchen, and she texts them to Pad Man with a note.

当他到达伦敦时,警察和摄影四包围了这个有罪的儿童猥亵犯。Police and paparazzi mobbed the convicted child molester on his arrival in London.

问题是,这种猥亵语如果过度使用,会让很多人感到不舒服。The problem is that when profanity is overused, it makes many people uncomfortable.