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忘掉光线禁令。Forget about Ray-Bans.

母后也同意对你的禁令!And Mother has forbidden your return.

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孟山都为什麽做出这样的禁令?How does Monsanto justify such a ban?

这一禁令激怒了很多中国名厨。The ban has angered many Chinese cooks.

于是大流士王立这禁令,加盖玉玺。So King Darius put the decree in writing.

被告人不遵守禁令。The defendant did not obey the interdict.

但这只是一个暂时的脆弱的禁令。Yet it is a temporary, and voluntary ban.

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对这一计划他们有无数的禁令。They have all numerously bans to this plan.

沙巴布最近解除了一项对空运的禁令。Al-Shabab recently lifted a ban on airlifts.

共和党人约翰·科宁表示,该禁令有些过了。Republican John Cornyn says it goes too far.

同性恋支持者的游行示威引来了禁令和混战。Gay-rights marches attract bans and scuffles.

加州参议员刘云平投票反对这一禁令。State senator Ted Lieu voted against the ban.

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王国官方禁令无神论者的进入。The kingdom officially bans entry to atheists.

维克触犯了关于不允许斗狗的一条联邦禁令。Vick fell foul of a Federal ban on dogfighting.

他希望她很快就能把这个禁令取消了。He hoped she would remove that prohibition soon.

战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除。The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted.

军政府废除了禁令。The military government dissolved the injunction.

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这次案件关注芝加哥对手枪的禁令.This case concerned a ban on handguns in Chicago.

然而这个水烟管也成为了此项禁令的牺牲品。But the nargileh too has fallen victim to the ban.

该国将在在四月提出了一项关于禁止戴面纱的禁令。The country introduced a ban on the veil in April.