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这位马夫对待他的马很好。The driver treats his horses well.

他的马悲哀地嘶叫着,马夫也回头望着楚国叹气。His horse neighed and his groom looked back at Ch'u.

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我们的马被小马夫安顿好在马厩里了。Our horse was bedded down in the barn by the stable boy.

马夫急忙跑去把这事禀告将军。The hostler ran to report it to the general immediately.

我告诉马夫我要下马,他让马停了下来。I tell the groom I shall dismount, and he holds the horse still.

她实际上已经对威洛比先生的马夫做过她那妇道人家的长舌的询问。She had actually made her own woman inquiry of Mr. Willoughby's groom.

马夫里教授说,该测试为足球俱乐部提供了显而易见的好处。Professor Maffulli said the tests provided obvious advantages to clubs.

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马夫们把这匹御马带到同一个浅水池里,他们总是在这里为它洗澡。The grooms took him to the same shallow pool where they always washed him.

站在千里马面前,说“天下无马”的马夫,其无知十分可笑。Qianlima stand before said, "There is no race" pimp, ignorance is laughable.

于是,他让旅店的马夫去拿些牡蛎来喂他的马。He called to the hostler to fetch a peck of oysters, and give them to his horse.

“我说”他对着马夫说,“你告诉我这不危险哦?"I say, " he said, addressing the driver, "so you tell me it's not dangerous here?

马夫们努力想把御马带到水里,但拿它没办法。The grooms tried their best to get him into the water, but could do nothing with him.

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现在35岁的斯彻劳德,有更多的时间通过与兽医、马夫和驯兽师之间的人际网络进行推销。Now Strowd, 35, has more time to market by networking with vets, groomers and trainers.

随行的有医生,公爵的随从和马夫及两名勤务兵。The doctor, the prince's valet, and coachman , and two orderlies were in charge of them.

一名马夫把小雪橇赶到马厩里,阿切尔穿过停车场到了大路上。A groom took the cutter to the stables, and Archer struck through the park to the high-road.

原来,马夫每天都偷走一半马料,卖了钱装进自己的腰包。For every day the Groom stole half the Horse's ration of corn and sold it for his own profit.

跳马夫“从求神祭祀而转化为男子舞蹈的形式,”马扦“与”马铃“也就成为该舞的道具。It has become a kind of pure male dance, with a hitching post and horse bells as stage props.

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马夫Shem把手从铁匠宽阔的腹部上面伸过去,拿过酒壶喝了一口。Shem Horsegroom reached to him across the smith's broad stomach and took the jug for a swallow.

而这时王子并不知道公主已深深地爱上了他,只有聪明的马夫才知道。Then Prince and Princess did not know he had been deeply in love with, only smart pimps can tell.

马夫在离山顶的最后一段停了下来,我下了马自己向顶峰冲刺。The horsemen stop at the final steps to the top, where I set off to the summit under my own steam.