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庆祝圆满成功。Celebrate every success.

那一轮明月,多圆满!The moon, many successful!

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这可以让你的通往圆满之路更加顺畅,也让你的死亡更加平安。and your death more peaceful.

预祝会议取得圆满成功!I wish this meeting a great success!

这是对他艰辛努力的圆满回报。A full requital of his striving pain.

检查鞋跟及外底是否完善圆满。Check rounding of outsoles and heels.

我将写您所提请的普贤大圆满偈。I will write the Gatha you requested.

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我预祝会议取得圆满成功。I wish the conference a full success.

我预祝本次会议圆满成功。I wish this forum a complete success.

最后,我祝本次论坛获得圆满成功!Finally I wish the forum great success.

我祝愿此次图片展圆满成功。I wish this photo exhibition a success!

你怎会感觉既空旷又圆满?How can you feel empty and yet complete?

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结婚仪式进行得很圆满。The wedding ceremony was very beautiful.

轻歌剧通常都有一个圆满的结局。Light operas usually have a happy ending.

爱一无所求,自我圆满。Love asks nothing, is fulfilled in itself.

最圆满的果报是无希求和恐惧。Supreme fruition is without hope and fear.

预祝第6届亚冬会圆满成功!Wish the 6th Asian Winter Games a success!

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惓祝贺展览会圆满成功!Best wishes for a very successful exhibition!

但我们处身之地,却是未臻圆满的人世。But this is earth, a fallen, imperfect place.

云带阴霾去,月携圆满来。Haze to cloud band, successfully to carry on.