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像一个婴儿长成了壮年。Long into the prime of life, like a baby.

他在四十四岁的壮年因为肺痨病死去。At the early age of forty-three he died of phthisis.

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眼睛过劳死好发于壮年男性。His eye had been worked to death when he was still young.

在导致壮年早逝的15个主要原因里,男人占的比重几乎都比女人大。Men lead in almost all of the top 15 causes of premature death.

在古代,很少有人活到壮年。In ancient times, people rarely lived to be much older than that.

最关键的是,一位地位如此显赫的女性为什么在壮年时期就过世了?Most important, why did this adored woman die at such a young age?

我爸爸被诊断有多种硬化症,当他壮年的时候。My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life.

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他壮年时大多时候都在班杜研究动物。He spent most of his adult years studying animals in the country of Bandu.

在壮年酋长的大喝声中,蓝色木族人全都安静下来。In the great sound of chief, the blue color wooden clansmen are all silence down.

你们壮年人去事奉耶和华罢,因为这是你们所求的。Go now, but the men only, and serve Jehovah, since that is what you are requesting.

从全世界范围来看,五分之三的消费者认为40来岁正值壮年。On a global scale, three out of five consumers believed forties was the new thirties.

他在腹中抓住哥哥的脚跟,壮年的时候与神较力。He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with God

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当时的蒙卡姆侯爵正是壮年,而且正处于幸运的顶峰。The marquis of montcalm was in the flower of his age, and in the zenith of his fortune.

随后他他解释道,这种树的木料质地十分坚硬并且具有耐腐蚀性,最重要的是他们正值壮年。The timbers would be strong and rot-resistant, and they’d age beautifully, he explained.

青年时代是黄金的,壮年时代是白银的,老年时代是灰铅的。In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden.

壮年鳏夫威廉·汉密尔顿爵士作为英国大使,出使那不勒斯王国。Sir William Hamilton, a widower of mature years, is British ambassador to the Court of Naples.

有36至50岁壮年人口的家计单位,较偏好腹胁肉及鸡翅。Households having adults between the ages of 36 to 50 preferred pork bellies and chicken wings.

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也许因为我正值壮年,意外发生时又穿着冬季的滑雪衫,所以保暖情况比较好。I was in the best shape of my life, and I was wearing my winter jacket, so I was better insulated.

少年时舍其不能有,壮年时舍其不当有,老年时舍其不必有。When juvenile homes of their cannot have homes of their improper, manhood, old age homes without having.

秋天的树上,丰硕的果实诱惑着壮年的垂涎,树下的黄叶是最美的景致。Thee trees of autumn, rich fruit tempted prime covet, yellow leaves under the tree is the most beautiful scenery.