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然而与口蹄疫不同的是,Q-feve对人类也有危害。But unlike foot and mouth, Q-fever infects people.

正在查看朝鲜的牛是否有口蹄疫症状。Cattle in North Korea being checked for signs of FMD.

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这些猪都一只只地死于口蹄疫。The pigs are all dying off from foot-and-mouth disease.

口蹄疫成了街谈巷议的热门话题。Foot- and –mouth disease has become a hot topic of gossip.

这个节日去年因为口蹄疫而停摆。The festival was canceled last year due to hoof-and-mouth disease.

口蹄疫是一种由病毒引起的具有高度传染性的动物疾病。Foot and mouth is a highly contagious animal disease caused by a virus.

文章综述了国内外口蹄疫转基因植物疫苗研究的成果。As following, we summarized the progress of FMDV transgenic plant vaccine.

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一说起口蹄疫,英国农场主们就胆寒。Just the mention of foot-and-mouth leaves many British farmers with a chill.

手足口病经常容易与牛羊猪的口蹄疫混淆。HFMD is often confused with foot-and-mouth disease of cattle sheep and swine.

你是否知道你的国家正在被口蹄疫阴云笼罩。Did you know that your country has been under threat of foot-and-mouth disease?

然而,当今年初新的口蹄疫病毒株突现时,它再度经历了考验。But it was put to the test earlier this year when the new FMD strain cropped up.

牛的口蹄疫能被无细菌的滤液传播。Food-and-mouth disease of cattle could be transmitted by bacteria-free filtrates.

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口蹄疫影响牛、水牛、绵羊、山羊、猪和其他偶蹄类动物。FMD affects cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, swine and other cloven-hoofed animals.

利用转基因植物生产植物源性的口蹄疫疫苗前景广阔。Transgenic plant as plant-derived vaccine is prospect in the production of FMD vaccine.

粮农组织的技术力量确保我们帮助土耳其战胜口蹄疫的工作更加有力和有效。FAO's expertise makes our efforts to help Turkey combat FMD stronger and more effective.

同样易感口蹄疫的山羊和猪是乳制品和肉类的主要来源。Goats and pigs, also susceptible to FMD, are important source of dairy products and meat.

由于此次口蹄疫疫情,韩国84处牲畜市场全部被关闭。Altogether, 84 livestock markets throughout the nation have been closed due to the disease.

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英国的农场主也在2001年口蹄疫恐慌之后减少了养殖量。British farmers have also cut back on sheep production since the 2001 hoof-and-mouth scare.

口蹄疫是非洲、中东、亚洲和南美洲部分地区许多国家的地方病。FMD is endemic in many countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and parts of South America.

但是,根据联合国粮食计划署信息,去年,口蹄疫疾病又大幅削减了牲畜存栏量。But foot-and-mouth disease has decimated cattle stocks over the past year, according to the WFP.