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“我有些坏消息,”他说,“我无法向你引见阿纳托利。”"I have some bad news, " he said.

如果你给我作引见,我愿意加入。I'd like to stand in if you introduce me.

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在聚会上,他把我引见给了司理。In a party, he introduced me to his manager.

把那边那个人给我引见一下好吗?Could you introduce to me the man over there?

你也会被引见给很多陌生人。You’ll also be introduced to many new people.

戴监狱长把李逵引见给了宋江。Introduced to the warden wearing a Song Jiang Kui.

他们关注远景、品牌和目标引见。They focus on vision, branding, and target audience.

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先生,请容许我向你引见我的旅伴。Allow me, Sir, to introduce you to my fellow-travellers.

那一天,因骆一禾引见,我与海子初次相识。On that day, due to Yihe's introduction, I firstly met Haizi.

本幢救嗽草鱼为例引见万州烤鱼地制造办法。The example to introduce grass carp baked method of making Wanzhou.

他被引见给尚在菲耶索的伽利略时曾经去过那里。He visited Vallombrosa when he was introduced to Galileo in Fiesole.

罗兰·帕蒂上次访问北京时被引见见到了叶小钢。Petit was introduced to the composer on a previous visit to Beijing.

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我来把史蒂文森给你引见一下,好吗?他也是来这里开会的。May I present Mr. Stevenson to you?He's here for the conference, too.

第一局部重点引见了蒙牛乳业集团的根本状况。The first part focuses on the basic situation of Mengniu Dairy Group.

你可以搜痘全赃官网看看精细引见。You can search the whole bribetaker pox look fine introductions network.

今天,自己将向你引见地世界,长城地奇观之一。Today I will introduce you one of the wonders of the world, the Great Wall.

仪式结束后,佐藤向杜雪颜引见了自己的未婚妻雪樱子。After the ceremony, Misaki Sato Du Xueyan introduced his fiancee snow clara.

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事先经冤家引见了NE放辐射美白茶。Introductions in advance by the enemy of the white tea NE release of radiation.

就是我也能求见的,请让我把您引见给张君。Only Ju must also be called on, Ju is in order to see you to Zhang Jun, please.

容许我来自我引见。我叫弗兰克·达尼,是“网景公司”的法律顾问。May I introduce myself. My name is Frank Darney, legal advisor to the Netcape Com.