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更糟糕的是,银行挤兑可以传染。Worse yet, bank runs can be contagious.

我想机动车会挤兑你。I think motorists would take advantage of you.

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他们还以为银行挤兑是过去才发生的事儿They thought bank runs were a thing of the past.

这是英国1866年来首次银行挤兑现象This was the first bank run in the U.K. Since 1866.

去年,英国的,北岩银行遭到挤兑We had a run on a bank in the UK, it was called Northern Rock, last year.

他在另一点上没有挤兑奥巴马,就是谈及外界对盖特纳的批评。He did tweak Obama at one point, after bringing up criticisms of Geithner.

他们认为已经系统性解决了挤兑问题,但去年却又出现了银行挤兑They thought they had the system solved, but then they had a bank run last year.

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到了2002年年初,在发生愤怒的示威活动和银行挤兑之后,分崩离析。By early 2002, after angry demonstrations and a run on the banks, it had all fallen apart.

为了严厉制止挤兑现象,塞浦路斯出台了一系列限制国外花费的措施。To trounce stop bank runs, Cyprus has imposed a string of restrictions on sending money abroad.

结果向银行的挤兑又开始了,不等今天结束,银行很可能就得关门。Inconsequence, a run on the bank had begun, and its doorswere likely to close before the day was over.

当那些一无所知的受骗者意识到发生了什么,这个体系就会经历后现代的挤兑。And as the unknown unknowns have turned into known unknowns, the system has been experiencing postmodern.

系统能够运作是因为我们没有在同一时间都到银行去挤兑,要求把我们的所有钱都取出来。The system works because we do not all run down to the bank and demand all of our money at the same time.

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当球打到吊扇,在2011年早些时候的某个时间,将会有大规模的银行挤兑。When the ball hits the ceiling fan, sometime early 2011 at the earliest, there will be massive bank runs.

北岩银行,是英国的一家建屋互助会,在2007年9月突然出现银行挤兑Northern Rock, which was a building society in the United Kingdom, had a sudden bank run in September 2007.

德国则希望市场能够提供帮助,而仅仅只是把EFSF作为一旦出现银行挤兑时的后备力量。Germany wants the market to help fund the bailout with the EFSF acting as a backstop to any further bank runs.

从而出现挤兑狂潮,若非英格兰银行施以援手,北岩银行恐怕早就倒闭了So there was a big bank run and Northern Rock would have failed if the Bank of England hadn't come by to rescue them.

索罗斯说,如果希腊银行破产,那么其它国家的银行也会出现挤兑现象,到那时我所说的金融崩溃就真正来临了。“If not, then you could have a run on banks in other countries too, which is what I call a melt-down, ” Mr. Soros added.

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客户在线从亏损银行取款的无声挤兑造成了存款未被取走的假象。Customers removing cash from troubled banks in a 'silent run' online leaves no clear signs that money is being withdrawn.

与此同时,国务卿希拉里克林顿和总统在谷歌的朋友们正在挤兑中国在互联网方面的政策。Meanwhile, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the president's friends at Google are hectoring China on Internet policy.

难道他们原来在印度住的那个邦,习惯了被其他各个邦挤兑,以至于他们到美国来也不想放弃那种感觉吗?Were they from some Indian state that got made fun of by all the other Indian states and didn't want to give up that feeling?