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兄弟,你连述职报告都不知道怎么写?Man, you don't know how to write a project report?

劳拉·米德尔顿述职于加拿大的新宁保健科学中心,她领导开展了此次研究。Laura Middleton of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Canada led the study.

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我希望今晚同大家的互动交流,能为我准备述职报告带来一些启发。I hope my interaction tonight with you will give me useful inspirations for my report.

相比之下,领导干部的述职报告就变成小事了。Comparatively, leading cadre's reporting on activities report to turn the minor matter.

我在夏天回国述职休假的时候亲眼目睹了上海世博会的盛况,直接体验了“中国馆”的雄伟和“英国馆”的创意。I was most struck by the magnificence of the China Pavilion and the creativity of the UK Pavilion alike.

因而,领导往往会从讲政治的高度来看待述职报告。Therefore, the leadership from will often stress politics to regard the reporting on activities report highly.

在1809年刘易斯35岁时,他回华盛顿述职以解释他的财政支出问题并澄清他的名声。In 1809 Lewis, age 35, embarked for Washington, D.C., to explain his public expenditures and to clear his name.

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海关关长定期向上一级海关述职,如实陈述其执行职务情况。The head of Customs shall report to his superior Customs about his work, present the situations on carrying out his duties accurately.

因而,领导的述职报告自然得由我等身边人来代疱了。Therefore, the leadership reporting on activities report nature waited for the personal maidservant by me to come a generation of blister.

以实行票决制度、选举制度、述职制度、科学民主决策制度以及会议监督制度为重点,保证全委会作用的充分发挥。Vote, election, work report, scientific and democratic decision-making, and congress supervision are important means for the role of LCCC.

在他们一九九八年返美述职前,他们已经竭尽所能在他们所居住、及学习客语的新竹县湖口地区宣扬福音。Before their 1998 home assignment, they explored possible opportunities to spread the Gospel in Hukou where they had lived and learned Hakka.

香港特区政府周五的一份声明称,香港特区行政长官曾荫权周一将到北京进行为期四天的述职访问。Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang will pay a four-day duty visit to Beijing starting Monday, the city's government said Friday in a statement.

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我最近从国内述职休假回来,航班上几乎一半是年轻学生。On my way back to London after a home leave in summer, I found that almost half of the seats on the plane were taken by Chinese students coming to the UK.

带着时差的疲惫和家乡的战乱带来的精神疲弱,我前往总部述职,我觉得我会被分配到新的任务。Still jet-lagged and traumatized by the war I found in my hometown, I proceeded to headquarters for “de-briefing” and what I assumed would be reassignment.

在澳门回归一周年前夕,澳门行政长官何厚铧于星期三向中国高层官员作述职报告。Macao's Chief Executive , Edmund Ho, has meet top mainland officials for a progress report in a lead up to the territory's handover anniversary on Wednesday.

本文重点介绍被业界广泛应用的360度绩效考评、目标管理法、述职听证法、成功关键因素分析法等方法。The key introduction of this paper conclude the 360 degrees examination comment and the management by object, report to hear certificate law and KPI methods etc.

各地就此进行了积极的探索,其中,组织人大代表进行述职评议就是广为采用的一种方式。Lots of explorations are made by local congress, inter alia, requiring representative to report their works, which is also a means widely applied across the nation.

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如果你对所述述职位感兴趣,请将写有期望薪资的中英文简历及学历证书邮寄给我们或发送电子邮件给我们。一经录用,我公司将提供完善的福利待遇和良好的职业发展环境。If you are interested in this position, Please send your resume both in English and Chinese with relative certificates, ID copy, 1"photo and salary expectation to us.

他决定打造一个循环管理团队,团队由向执行委员会的少数最高级别高管述职的20人组成,每月开一次会。He decided to create what he calls a circular management team in which the 20 people who reported to the top handful of managers on the executive committee met once a month.

兖矿集团董事局主席、党委书记耿加怀主持会议并代表兖矿集团领导班子做述职报告。Yanzhou Mining Group, Chairman of the Board, party secretary Geng presided over the meeting on behalf of Canadian pregnant Yanzhou Mining Group leadership to do debriefings.