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这个上午过去了。So the forenoon passed.

他今天上午迟到了。He was behind this morning.

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这天上午许多人没有到场。Many absented this morning.

今天上午的事真对不起。I'm sorry about this morning.

次日上午我们出发了。The next morning, we set off.

你今天上午好像有点紧张。You seem on edge this moring.

他今天上午买了一个澡盆。He bought a bath this morning.

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他上午到那里去了。He went there in the forenoon.

我整个上午都在刷墙。I have been painting the wall.

今天上午她情绪有点低落。She's a bit down this morning.

我不能坐上午自每班机走。I ean't go by the moming flight.

今天上午我给学生上了两节课。I gave two lessons this morning.

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我整个上午全都懒散地混过去了。I spent the morning just lazing.

她一个上午就缝制了一件女服。She ran up a dress in a morning.

整个上午,人们不断涌进来。Crowds poured in all the morning.

他消磨了整个上午。He loafed away the whole morning.

提姆参加一个上午9.00的会议。Tim attends a meeting at 9.00 am.

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头天上午,我们去钓鱼。Wewent fishing the first morning.

他整个上午都出去了。B-----He's been out whole morning.

今天上午你有安排吗?Do you have plan for this morning?