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这是由弟子王浩在我的指导下所辑录。It was compiled by disciple Wang Hao under my guidance.

这个集子辑录了这位已故作家的所有来往信件。All the letters of the late writer are compiled in this collection.

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张彻的这本书,估计应该是他去世后,他人把他生前写下的文章辑录成书吧。This book was translated in dozens of languages, so, it gotta be good, right?

那天晚上,国王躺在床上无法入眠,就让人帮读宫内历史辑录给他听。That night, the king couldn’t sleep so he ordered the book of the record of Chronicles be read to him.

因此,对这些资料予以辑录并加以考辨,有助于学术界对凌氏的研究。So I have quoted and studied these materials in older to benefit the academic research on Ling Mengchu.

从而,可以以更高的精确度和用户满意度来自动辑录内容。Accordingly, it is possible to automatically album content with greater precision and user satisfaction.

本传媒报导索引经由系统辑录而成,内容皆有关香港工程师学会之会务。The media coverage index is system generated with news clippings on topics related to the institutional affairs of the HKIE.

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打开收音机,你会听到由唱片骑士挑选的音乐,播放CD碟音乐,你所听到音乐是由录音公司经过挑选辑录在一起的。Turn o the radio, and you hear music chosen by a DJ. Play a CD, and you get music selections put together by a recording company.

我们一方面为能这些资源感恩,一方面也祈求上帝使用已辑录成讲道及神学课程的光碟,造就更多肢体。We thank the Lord for such resources. May the Lord use all the DVDs, VCDs of sermons and theology curriculum to equip even more believers.

本论文的第三部分主要通过查检有关的书刊,对上述诸书中未收的墓志进行辑录。The third part of this article is the collection of the epitaphs which other books are not involved by consulting related books and periodicals.

该书辑录我国唐以前历代典籍文献中,有关记载事物起源之资料。The book contains the documents digested from the literatures before the Tang dynasty on the description of the origin sources of different things.

墓志录文的校勘和辑录是墓志研究的两项基础工作,本论文主要对洛阳出土北魏墓志的录文进行校勘和辑录。This article, which is composed of amending and compiling, is mainly carries on to the texts of Northern Wei Dynasty epitaphs unearthed in Luoyang.

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第十章通过辑录时事小说所涉及的新闻史资料、评述时事小说在信息传播中的作用来显示时事小说的新闻史价值。Chapter X demonstrates the value of news history of the Current Events Novels by collecting their news data and commentary their function on diffusion of news.

指出历史有感地震的确认必须考证,在考证基础上先编,“目录”尔后辑录“简目”。It is pointed out that to confirm felt historical earthquakes must be textual research first, then compiling catalog based on textual research and simple catalog.

本文以辑佚为基础,展示该目现存提要片断的面貌,进而揭示其对辑录体提要体例的继承与拓展。This paper introduces the existing synopsis piece, the inheritance and expansion of compilation of synopsis style based on compiling the writings that are not found in known books.

全面辑录这些资料,对这些资料加以分类、总结,能为我们现今的唐史研究提供有价值的借鉴,相信它是学术的有益积累。Comprehensively compiling, recording classifying and summering these materials is helpful for nowadays Tang Dynasty history research, and also benefit for the academic accumulation.