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人命不能用金钱衡量。I think it can't be used monetarily.

法律轻,所以人命轻。Belittled life results from belittled laws.

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这些付出对于一个区区人命来说,实在是太沉重了。It is a heavy reckoning for one man's life.

上个月的空难共夺走314条人命。The last-month air crash totally took 314 lives.

天地无终极,人命若朝霞。——曹植。If no ultimate heaven and earth, of life at sunrise.

一个人命再大,要是自己想死,那就怎么也活不了。——余华。A life again big, if they want to die, then how could live.

所以老鼠可以挽救7000多条人命哟。So that’s more than 7000 people that could be saved by a rat.

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另外有人提出,要冒着搭上人命的风险,这样做很不值得。Other people argue that the risk to human life is not worth it.

他们的唯一疑犯,亚历克西斯,只剩下半条人命了。Their only suspect Alexis Drazen has half a chance of surviving.

在救生艇上编织者用小刀竣事了他妻子的人命。With a knife the knitter ends hellos wife's life in the lifeboat.

他们的唯一疑犯,亚历克西斯,只剩下半条人命了。Their only suspect, Alexis Drazen, has half a chance of surviving.

烦恼,永远是寻找幸福的人命中的劫数。Touble is a block-up of those who are persueing for happiness forever.

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人命只在呼吸间,一秒间过不了关,生命就结束了。It exists in the space of a breath. Life ends when the breathing stops.

虐疾,如我们所知,每年夺走大约一百万条人命。Malaria, as we all know, kills approximately one million people a year.

迪涅发生过一件惨事。有个人因谋害人命而被判处死刑。A tragic event occurred at D---- A man was condemned to death for murder.

不过,医疗技术仍然有重大突破的机会,将可以拯救几百万的人命。But there is also the chance of big breakthroughs that save many millions of lives.

应做好预防措施,以防止因水浸引致的人命及财物损失。Take appropriate measures to avoid possible damage or loss of life due to flooding.

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据说印第安·乔手里有五条人命案,可那又怎么样呢?Injun Joe was believed to have killed five citizens of the village, but what of that?

对影响国际海上人命安全公约大宗交易总额为500吨和更大的船只。The bulk of SOLAS affects internationally trading vessels of 500 gross tons and greater.

年“常年深居海底,每到元旦才爬上岸,吞食家畜危险人命。"In" long in the sea, and each to deep eve before climbing ashore, swallowed cattle souls.