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你的身体会告诉你运动量是否足够。Your body should tell you if it's had enough.

马拉慕需要一个合理的运动量。Malamutes need a reasonable amount of exercise.

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大运动量增氧舞蹈乃是随着慢跑成风的时尚附带产生的。Aerobic dancing piggybacked on the jogging craze.

但不要运动过度,要慢慢地增加运动量。But don't over-exercise, and go back to it gradually.

胆囊息肉术后需要运动量吗?Does gallbladder need carry momentum after polypous art?

遵从美国指南关于最少运动量的规定。Follow U.S. guidelines for the minimum amount of exercise.

其中一堂课是大运动量高节奏的,当然,跟以往一样都是有球训练。Once again it is high-tempo work, as ever all with the ball.

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向医生咨询你何时可以恢复正常的运动量。Ask your doctor when you can go back to your normal activity.

但是要确保跑步不会太累或者运动量过大。But make sure that the program isn't too regimented or intense.

请在开始新锻炼后数周再逐步增加运动量。To avoid this, increase your training gradually over the weeks.

不要试着同时加大运动量和运动强度。Try not to increase both distance and intensity at the same time.

你的身体需要一周三到四次至少半小时以上的运动量。Your body needs at least a half hour, three to five times a week.

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拥有大庭院并不等于爱犬的运动量就足够了。The best advice for a dog who is misbehaving is to increase his exercise.

较少睡眠还会使孩子变得倦怠,从而导致其运动量减少。Less sleep also leaves children mor lethargic, so they cut down on exercise.

一项效果明显的锻炼活动要达到30到40分钟的运动量和相当程度的出汗量。A good work-out usually will involve 30 to 40 minutes and a fair amount of sweat.

现代登山运动员力图沿著那些能带来大运动量的路线来攀登山峰。Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route that will give them good sport.

现代登山运动员力图沿着那些能带来大运动量的路线来攀登山峰。Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport.

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不过,两位研究员都不提倡多做运动的人要减少运动量。However, neither researcher suggests that people who arc doing more should cut back.

男性也不安全,尤其是那些吃肉少,运动量却很大的男性。Men are not safe, especially those who eat little meat and have a high level of exercise.

术后不当饮食,术后过度运动量是息肉摘除后出血的诱因。Greasy food and excess exercises after polypectomy are the possible inducements of hemorrhage.