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暂且就成为合伙人博弈吧So Partnership Game.

请你暂且控制住感情。Please try to govern your passions.

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暂且称之为昆虫式的性前戏吧。Call it the insect version of foreplay.

我们暂且不去讨论动物和外星人卖萌是什么意思。Let us ignore the animals and the Aliens.

为了挑得更远,必须暂且退后。One must draw back in order to leap further.

请你暂且控制住感情。Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment.

阿什莫尔女士说,暂且,“我想我还能接受。”“I think I’m fine, ” Ms. Ashmore said, tentatively.

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我暂且先忽略右手边的杯子。It was the right hand side that I ignored for the moment.

好了,我们还是把这些思考暂且先搁在一边All right. So, bracket some of those thoughts for a moment.

第二天我来到一个大的城镇,名字暂且不提。The next day I entered a large town which I shall not name.

此类欲望是否能得到满足,我们暂且撇开不谈。Whether or not those desires can be satisfied is set aside.

暂且把自私的词藻丢在一边,让我们来看一看历史的真相。Self-serving rhetoric aside, look at the historical reality.

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他原想停止,但又决定暂且继续干下去。He wanted to stop but decided to continue for the time being.

这点烧焦的马铃薯就暂且权充一顿饭吧!This bit of burnt potato is no more than an apology for a meal.

华盛顿应该暂且不动,等候叙利亚政权的慢慢消失。Washington should wait out the slow death of the Syrian regime.

有一些迹象和信号存在,即使它们暂且无法解读。There were signs, indications, undecipherable, what does in matter.

暂且不讨论经济危机发生的原因,说也阿七说不明白。I don't want to discuss the reasons for the economic crisis happened.

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暂且退回来,满足于它们的现状,可是决不能忘了。Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten.

因此,女性现在要应对新缺失,暂且让我们这么叫。So women are now contending with what we might call the new scarcity.

暂且不谈这集市财无亏密群遣散步不巍。But aside from these and the marts of wealth and the crowded promenade.