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春来拜早年,您好!Early spring to worship, hello!

他早年是个农民。He was a peasant in his early years.

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那是早年的偏见,你知道。The prejudice of early youth, you know.

在迟暮的岁月里赶上早年的爱情。And catch the early love up in the late.

在她早年的职业生涯,她曾经也越了界。Early in her career, she crossed the line.

他早年在律师界的工作毫无起色。His early years at the bar were very lean.

在迟暮的岁月里赶上早年的爱情。And cmightch the early love up in the lhad.

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爱伦坡的早年生活十分艰辛。Edgar Allan Poe had a very hard early life.

出门儿逢友拜个早年,“拜个早年”英语怎么说?I wish you an early happy Chinese New Year!

他早年饱尝过穷困和忧愁。He knew poverty and sorrow in his early days.

我在一家旧货店无意中碰到了他早年的作品。I met his early works. in a second-hand store.

他在肯尼亚出生并在那度过了他的早年岁月。He was born and spent his early years in Kenya.

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他早年的刻苦现在得到了一千倍的回报。His early denials are paid for a thousand- fold.

祝各位新年快乐!给您拜个早年。Wish you a wonderful and joyful Chinese New Year!

莫札特在早年显露出对音乐的卓越才能。Mozart early showed a remarkable talent for music.

早年她的父亲将他伪装成一个男孩He father disguised her as a boy from an early age.

在早年,许多人都是过着勉强糊口的日子。In early days, many people live from hand to mouth.

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许多早年的美国伐木人穿鹿皮衣服。Many early American woodsmen wore buckskin clothing.

在早年的职业生涯中,他担任过查姆帕拉星球的议员。He served as Senator of Champala early in his career.

他比早年的敌友都活得久。He had outlived nearly all his early friends and foes.