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那只船已配备好武装。The ship was armed out.

配备排水槽。Equipped with tank drain.

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我需要配备到每门炮,你要多少人?How many men will you need?

你的汽车想配备一个手动挡还是自动挡?I'm looking for a sports car.

部分客房还配备了小厨房。Some rooms include a kitchenette.

这部车有什么配备?What equipment does this car have?

本船配备有陀螺罗经。She is equipped with a gyrocompass.

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所有的作战部队均已配备了头盔。The combat troops have been helmeted.

茶壶的壶口跟壶手把甚至都是配备了。The spouts even double as the handle.

现在只有标准配备或者颈圈。Available with standard or tab collar.

各工种配备特定的工具。There is a specific tool for each job.

高功率线驱动器成为标准配备。A high power line driver comes standard.

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单车必须配备车号或车铃。The bicycle shall have a horn or a bell.

我们的每个地铁站都配备有电梯。Each station is equipped with escalators.

那艘航空母舰配备有核子武器。The carrier is armed with nuclear weapons.

配备有多刀架的数控铣床。CNC mill equipped with a multi-tool holder.

配备锁刀座,刀具更换方便。Tool lock seat make it easy to change tool.

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阿兹台克农民配备战棍作战。Aztec peasants are armed with a simple club.

配备有单刀夹持器的数控铣床。CNC mill equipped with a single-tool holder.

每间客房均提供配备写字桌的办公空间。Each room has a balcony and a working space.