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他不做生意光吃老本。He does no business but lives on his capital.

看来我们再也不能靠吃老本过曰子了。It seems that we can no longer afford to rest on our Laurels.

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你应该继续努力学习而不能吃老本。You should go on studying instead of resting on your laurels.

兰德公司指出,没有证据表明美国正在吃老本。There is little evidence that America is resting on its laurels, according to RAND.

所以吃老本的人是会被人瞧不起或没有前途的。Therefore, those who live off their past gains will be looked down upon and won't have a prospect.

靠过去的成绩吃老本或停滞不前,则必将被新生力量所代替。Rest on our laurels or rely on past achievements stagnation, newly emerging force will be replaced.

一个组织一旦失去开创精神,开始吃老本,它的进步也就就此停止了。Once an organization loses its spirit of pioneering, and rests on its early work, its progress stops.

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一个组织一旦失去了创新精神,开始吃老本,他的进步也就到此停止了。Once an organization loses its spirits of pioneering, and rest on its early work, its progress stops.

我们取得了很大进展,但这并不意味着我们就可以从此吃老本,而无须进取了。We have achieved a lot, but that doesn't mean we can therefore rest our laurel without been aggressive.

多年来,由于地质找矿工作进展缓慢,采矿长期处于吃老本的状态。Bauxite mining has lived on its own fat without the advancement of exploration for bauxite deposits over many years.

不管你在做什么,别妄想你能够吃老本,势头要靠不间断的工作来保持。No matter what you're managing, don't assume you can glide by . Momentum is something you have to work at to maintain.