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男人可以去乞食,女人就得去卖身。Man begs, woman sells.

你也像凯迪那样卖身了么?。Did you sell your body like Candy?

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我决不把自己卖身为奴隶。I won't sell my freedom for slavery.

做卖身的奴工,你考虑吗?Would you consider indentured servitude?

我愿意为你去卖身,可以吧?I would like for you to prostitution , can you?

为求葬老爹,唯有卖身为奴自作贱。In order to bury my father, I have to sell myself.

别胡说,放开我!我已经不卖身了!Shut up and leave me! I'm not selling myself anymore!

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如果我是这个妈妈,我绝对不会让自己的女儿去卖身。If I was the mother I would not want my daughter to sell her body.

董永为了安葬父母,卖身给傅善为奴。He sells himself to Fu Shan as a slave to give them a decent burial.

她肯定是个农村姑娘,父母把她卖身为奴。She was some peasant girl, doubtless, whom her parents had sold into slavery.

通常在在巴基斯坦,跨性别者要么卖艺,要么卖身,要么沦为乞丐。Commonly in Pakistan, transgenders have either been entertainers, or sex workers, or beggars.

40年前,与她生活了20年的丈夫辞世,这个赵姓的女人开始依靠卖身为生。Chiu went into the business about 40 years ago, after a man she had lived with for two decades died.

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父亲去世后,董永卖身为奴,用卖身的钱埋葬了父亲。When his father died, he was willing to sell himself into slavery for a little money for the funeral.

看看加公最新语录吧,认为一亿是小数目,俱乐部负债不严重,幻想卡卡卖身钱用来换血的筒子可以退散了。There are debts and they have to be paid. I think a virtuous club should cover its expenses with its own income.

洛克萨妮,你没必要拿起那跟红线。那些日子结束了,你没必要在晚上卖身。Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light. Those days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night.

该救助机构称,贫困的加剧使年仅12岁的女孩仅为了一盒饼干而卖身。The aid agency says increasing poverty is leading girls as young as 12 to sell their bodies for as little as a packet of biscuits.

中国独生子女制度的受害者,一位父亲已经做出决定卖身来交付一项硬性罚款来维持他的家庭。A victim of China's one-child policy, one father has considered selling his own life to pay a stiff fine and to sustain his family.

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高额报酬才能抵得上在非法行业工作的风险,也可以补偿因为卖身而惹来的骂名。A premium fee is justified by the risks involved in working in an illegal industry, as well as the related stigma of being paid for sex.

人物可能衣不遮体,食不裹腹,他要么是个奴隶,要么是个罪犯,他不去偷盗或者卖身就活不下去。The character might not even own clothes or food, if he or she is a slave or criminal, and must either steal, be given those things, or do without.

但是我每赚到一分钱我的老婆就花掉十分。当我回到里斯的时候,她已经另攀情人,那人愉快的告诉我若我不想卖身为奴还债的话就放手离开城邦。By the time I got back to Lys, she had taken a lover, who told me cheerfully that I would be enslaved for debt unless I gave her up and left the city.