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其研究对象是爽心食品,目的是探究人们对爽心食品的感觉。The study focuses on "comfort food" and how it makes people feel.

在这个酷热的夏天,有了它们的相伴,我们人爽心也爽!In this hot summer, with their companions, we were Shuang Shuang heart!

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我们都喜欢享用烘肉卷,芝士通心粉,或许还有一大碗土豆泥这些爽心的美食。Meatloaf, mac-and-cheese or a big bowl of mashed potatoes. We all have our comfort foods.

简洁大方的设计,给人一种爽心悦目的视觉效应,是那纷繁世界中沉静的一隅。Simple elegant design, giving a cool visual effect, is a quiet corner in the diverse world.

当人们感到压力、孤独、沮丧的时候往往吃得过饱,即“爽心食物”。People often overeat when they're feeling stressed, lonely, and depressed --"comfort foods."

在所有关于爽心食品的文章中,许多人都描述了与家人和朋友共同进餐的经历。In 12 essays on comfort food, many people wrote about the 13 of eating food with family and friends.

如果自己很难抵抗美食诱惑,就不要在家里存放爽心食物。Take away temptation. Don't keep supplies of comfort foods in your home if they're hard for you to resist.

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我们没有很多钱购买昂贵的衣服和珠宝,我们只能购买自己经济允许的衣服,但是,我们打扮得体,爽心悦目。We do not have a lot of money to buy expensive clothes and jewelry, we can only buy simple dress, but we are dignified, beautiful.

例如,如果对即将发生的事情担心焦虑或者对一次冲突坐卧不宁时,你可能就会把精力集中到爽心的食物上,而不愿去处理那些令人痛苦的情境。If you're worried about an upcoming event or stewing over a conflict, for instance, you may focus on eating comfort food instead of dealing with the painful situation.

啊,秋天的原野,你是这样的绚丽,真是人爽心悦目,秋天的原野,你招引人们赞叹,你任凭小鸟快活的飞翔。Ah, the fall of the wilderness, you are such a beautiful, really beautiful people Shuangxin autumn fields, you attract people's admiration, despite your happy flying birds.