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在近东地区的翻译员。An interpreter and guide in the near east.

根据联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处的资料,13000多人流离失所。According to UNWRA, over 13 000 people have been displaced.

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在工人体育馆的对面,临近东环广场。Opposite the Workers' Stadium. Close to the East Gate Plaza.

这种模式近东社会中也很普遍。This pattern is also widespread among Near Eastern societies.

在古近东时期的肖像研究中我们看见过这样的宝座。And we have in Ancient Near Eastern iconography thrones of this type.

近东西向深大断裂控制了金矿的空间展布。Nearly WEtrending deep fault controlled the spatial extension of gold deposit.

在近东和亚洲烹调中广泛地使用整粒种子。The whole seed is used extensively in the cuisines of the Middle East and Asia.

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目前我正在考虑读近东研究,可能是到伍德罗·威尔逊学院。and thinking to major in Near East Studies and maybe the Woodrow Wilson School.

1973年,他以优等成绩从近东语言与文明系毕业。In 1973, he graduated magna cum laude in Near Eastern Languages and Civilization.

因此,巴勒斯坦难民中的婴儿死亡率在近东地区是最低的。Thus, infant mortality in Palestine refugees is among the lowest in the Near East.

模仿近东男士穿的长袖外衣的一种女士衣服。A woman's dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the near east.

酒钱,小费因快捷的服务而给予的赏金或小费,尤指在一些近东国家里。A gratuity or TIP, paid to expedite service especially in some Near Eastern countries.

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早期的迦南人以贸易而闻名,横跨宽阔的地方,超过近东。Early on the Canaanites acquired fame as traders across a wide area beyond the Near East.

这是一种更加精炼的,更加进化的,古近东宗教版本。It was just a more refined, more highly evolved, version of Ancient Near Eastern religion.

因水浸关系,北大屿山公路来回方向近东涌的全线现已封闭。Due to flooding, all lanes of North Lantau Highway both bounds near Tung Chung were closed.

近东可持续森林管理标准及指标专家会议。Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in the Near East.

近东地区有许多故事都描述了一场可怕的洪水,许多人因此而丧生。Many ancient Near Eastern stories describe a terrible flood that destroyed much of humankind.

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客店,旅舍近东或远东地区为旅行队提供夜间住宿场所的小旅店,常环绕。An inn built around a large court for accommodating caravans at night in the Near or Far East.

中国继续沿着丝绸之路向欧洲和近东出口高质量丝绸。China continued to export high-quality fabric to Europe and the Near East along the silk road.

这个传奇的诞生也有对应的故事,在古代近东以及其他一些地区。This legendary birth story has important parallels in Ancient Near Eastern and other literature.