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天上地下,唯我独尊。Heaven and earth, overweening.

但从一开始,他显然就有一种唯我独尊的心理。But from the start he plainly had an elevated sense of his own importance.

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我相信爱和分享的力量,藐视仇恨与唯我独尊。I believe in the power of love and sharing, and despise hatred and monopoly.

看起来,你自己是一种充满偏见和唯我独尊的典型,是吗?Looks like you yourself are a case of bias and overweening derision, isn't it?

笑可以是愤世嫉俗的,操纵的,唯我独尊的,或者快乐和朴实的。It can be cynical, manipulative, and egotistic, or it can be joyous and guileless.

在世界上所有的俱乐部当中,在法国的100俱乐部可能是最唯我独尊、与众不同的。OF all the clubs in the world, the Club of 100 in France may be the most exclusive.

你可晓得我们试过一个在世界的历史上是唯我独尊的实验?Do you know that we tried an experiment which is unique in the history of the world?

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他的阅历相当深。一眼就能辨别出那些以各种形态出现的唯我独尊者。He's got too many experience so he can tell people filled with conceit in any forms right away.

在这尖酸刻薄,唯我独尊的世界里,A先生的无私和奉献精神令我震惊。In a cynical and me-first world, Mr. A has stunned me with his selflessness and generosity of spirit.

事实上,对于父母那辈人,20-30岁意味着10年的快乐时光,唯我独尊,而对于现在的年轻人,却并非如此。The truth is that our 20s are not, as they were for our parents, 10 years of tie-dye fun and quality 'me' time.

它会形成一道空洞而道貌岸然的圣洁之墙,隐藏着,同时也保护着隐士致力克服的唯我独尊。It may lead to a dried-up, holier -than-thou sanctity which hides and protects the very egoism he sets out to kill.

我想我可能是世界上唯一一个讨厌乔布斯这种唯我独尊风格的人,他让我觉得是在向我炫耀。Love him or hate him, Steve's been one of the most effective, capable people to rise to such celebrity in recent memory.

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应该说,严肃的作家总的来说比新闻记者更慕名誉,更唯我独尊,尽管他们不那么迷恋金钱。Serious writers, I should say, are on the whole more vain and self-centered than journalists, though less interested in money.

他在尼克松首届任期内的那种唯我独尊的外交风格,使国务院心灰意冷,使国会只有袖手旁观的份儿。His virtuoso style of diplomacy during the first Nixon term left the State Department demoralized and Congress just another spectator.

密特拉教,一个已经确立后但唯我独尊的教派,专心于社会的正义,在处理名相之前就被声称的基督教发起者所吸收。Mithraism, an established but exclusive sect devoted to social justice, was assimilated by state-sponsored Christianity before being disposed of in name.

然而,在汶川大地震和北京奥运会中,80后以他们空前的爱国热情一洗过去唯我独尊的“小皇帝”形象。However, in Wenchuan earthquake and the Olympic Games in Beijing, 80, after their unprecedented patriotism in the past to wash one's self, "little emperor" image.

唯我独尊的中国国家权力有可能造成很多外国企业和一些发展中国家寻求其他更加宜人的投资和贸易伙伴。Overweening Chinese state power also might be chasing many foreign businesses--and some developing countries-- toward more congenial investment and trade partners.

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毕竟,极权靠着汲取着这意识形态的唯我独尊的精神长大成年,时至今日已经每个毛孔都浸透着这种唯我独尊,把多元化仅仅看作是一种没法完全避免的祸害,或者一种形式而已。After all, totalitarian power has been fed and weaned and to this day is imbued with the intolerant spirit of this ideology, which sees plurality only as a necessary evil, or as a formality.

据我看来,伊斯兰教兴盛和马克思主义失败的区别是,马克思主义是唯我独尊,泛神论的,而且马克思主义希望在这个世界上实现总的圆满。As far as I can see, the difference between the success of Islam and the failure of Marxism is that Marxism was precisely unitarian, pantheist, and wanted a total consummation in this world.

中国珍视同东盟国家的传统友谊,崇尚以和为贵,讲信修睦,共同发展,不搞唯我独尊,反对霸权主义。We cherish the traditional friendship with ASEAN countries. China values peace and is committed to pursuing friendly relations and common development with neighboring countries based on mutual trust.