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东京都中野区的震级为3级。Nakano, Tokyo magnitude of 3.

是否震级被缩小了?Was the magnitude underplayed?

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据测定这次地震的震级为9级。The quake measured magnitude nine.

该社称此次地震震级为6.9级。The agency said the magnitude 6.9 quake.

地震是以里氏震级来计算的.Earthquakes are measured on the Richter Scale.

地震震动强度通过麦加利震级进行测量。Strength of shaking is measured on the Mercalli scale.

里氏震级是1935年查尔斯。里克特发明的。The Richter Scale was devised by Charles Richter in 1935

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另外发生在1995年的阪神大地震震级为7.2级,六千四百人丧生。A magnitude 7.2 quake in Kobe killed 6, 400 people in 1995.

科学家记录此次地震震级为8.9级。Scientists recorded the magnitude of the earthquake at 8.9.

地震的发生地和震级用黑色的圆圈表示。Quake locations and magnitudes are indicated by black circles.

震动的强度可以由改良的麦加利震级测量出来。Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.

同时初步探讨分析了银川台数字地震仪震级误差的原因。The reasons for magnitude error of digital seismograph were also analyzed.

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芮氏发明测量地震强度的震级表。Richter invented the scale by which we measure the severity of earthquakes.

地震之后还发生了几次余震,震级从5.9到4.2不等。A number of aftershocks have also been recorded, ranging from magnitude 5.9 to 4.2.

据美国地质测量局测量,其中一次余震的震级道道5.7级。One of the aftershocks measured magnitude 5.7, according to the US Geological Survey.

截至目前,玉树境内至少发生25次余震,其中最大震级为6.3。At least 25 aftershocks have been reported so far, with the biggest being 6.3 magnitude.

地震仪、震级和烈度地震的分布和破坏。Seismograph, intensity and magnitude, distribution of earthquake. Effects of earthquake.

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但余震震级大于主震,这实属罕见,虽然之前也听说过。It is rare, though not unheard of, to have an earthquake followed by a larger aftershock.

据悉,意大利中部最近一次大地震发生在2002年,震级为5.4级,造成28人遇难。The last major quake to hit central Italy was a 5.4-magnitude temblor in 2002, killing 28.

美国地震勘探局则测得此次地震震级为里氏5.8级,震源深度85公里。The U. S. Geological Survey measured the quake as magnitude 5.8 magnitude, focal depth 85 km.