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你可不能打退堂鼓啊。You can't quit now.

现在打退堂鼓已经太晚了。It's too late to back down now.

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我们原以为他已经决定,但后来他又打退堂鼓了。We thought he had decided but then he pulled back.

我们已经签订了协议,现在可不能打退堂鼓。We've signed an agreement and we can't back out of it now.

但是,我们一茬又一茬的战士,没有一个打退堂鼓的。However, we crop of another crop of fighters, not a retreat to.

他们答应要减税,现在却开始打退堂鼓。They promised to cut taxes, but they're beginning to backpedal now.

他同意帮忙,但当他发现这事多么困难时就打退堂鼓了。He agreed to help but backed out when he found how difficult it was.

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有的每天吃什么,我们就通过我们的孔蜜打退堂鼓。Some of what we eat on a daily basis excretes back out via our pores.

我从没在挑战面前退缩过,我也知道,即使打退堂鼓,也不一定管用。I never shied from a challenge and I'm not sure I could have even if I wanted to.

考上自己理想的学校,却整日心事沉重,经常想打退堂鼓。Admitted to their ideal school, but all things heavy, often want to beat a retreat.

现在我不能打退堂鼓了,但我后悔自己参与了这个项目。I can't back out now but I rue the day that I let myself get involved with this project.

杰克说他将在周末为我们队效力,但在最后一刻他却打退堂鼓了。Jack said he would play for our team at the weekend but he cried off at the last minute.

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假如老板自己就先乱了阵脚,手足无措,可想而知,你的下属能不打退堂鼓吗?。If himbossfirst random lose one's head, can be imagined, your subordinate can not back out?

有时经不起挫折和考验,一失败就打退堂鼓,缺乏坚韧不拔的个性。They are easily frustrated and lacking in tenacity, and prefer to retreat rather than risk failure.

你们只要能找到那东西,就能像国王那样大富大贵,你们明明知道那东西就在这里,却站在那里打退堂鼓。You'd be as rich as kings if you could find it, and you know it's here, and you stand there skulking.

不要一遇到挫折就打退堂鼓,至少你应该再试一次。Don't beat a retreat immediately after any setback, at least you should make another attempt to hit it.

事实上,参与本月底竞标的公司中无一表露出打退堂鼓的迹象。Indeed, none of the companies on tap for the bids at the end of the month show any signs of backing away.

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这是我遇到过最困难的事情,有很多次我都想打退堂鼓了。It's the hardest thing I've ever attempted, and there have been plenty of times when I felt like backing out.

一般人面对着诸多要求——两份职业、两个孩子——往往会打退堂鼓,但是奥巴马夫妇挺了过来。People who face too many demands — two careers, two children — often scale back somehow. The Obamas scaled up.

但上述问题并未使科学家打退堂鼓,有些人已经组织公司来寻求延缓老化的治疗策略。That hasn't stopped scientists, some of whom have founded companies, from searching for treatments to slow aging.