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严霜把幼苗冻坏了。The frost killed the seedings.

让我们把洋葱幼苗移出来。Let's prick the onion plant out.

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给幼苗浇些水,但不要太多。Water the plants but not too heavily.

或者,如果我们看不到这潜能,它就会像刚萌芽的幼苗一样被扼杀,it,will,depreciate—Or if we don't appreciate it, wither and die.

他把幼苗移栽到含泥炭的土壤里。He transplanted the seedlings into peaty soil.

小麦的幼苗在阳光下显得柔软而光洁。The young wheat shone silkily in the sunshine.

发育成小小的、毛茸茸的幼苗。The seeds sprout into small, hairlike seedings.

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这些幼苗在冬天需要覆盖物。The young plants need some coverlets in winter.

新生的光梗蒺藜草幼苗其基部叶鞘呈紫红色。The basal part of the renascent seedling is mauve.

霜已搞坏了我们好几株幼苗。FROST】Frost has killed several of our young plants.

指定的品种嫁接到山茱萸的幼苗上。Named cultivars are grafted onto seedling dogwoods.

尽量让幼苗多带一些土壤。Take out as much soil as you can with the seedlings.

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那只猫又把我种的那些幼苗扒出来了!That cat has scratched up all my young plants again!

他让孩子们别把幼苗拔起来。He told the children not to pull up the young plants.

旧大陆的一种虎眼万年青,具有可食的幼苗。Old World star of Bethlehem having edible young shoots.

要经常以“宽容”来护根,因为这会使幸福的幼苗茁壮成长。Much often with forgiveness, for this will help you grow.

经常以“宽容”来护根,这样有利于幸福的幼苗成长。Mulch often with forgivenss, for this will help you grow.

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奎因从加拿大订购幼苗,然后开始耕种。Quinn ordered seedlings from Canada and started planting.

今天的幼苗,明天就会成为国家的栋梁之才。Today's seedling, tomorrow will be national pillars just.

在定幼苗时,定到间距6英寸宽。When seedlings are established, thin to 6-inch. spacings.