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我向一个无名之辈敬礼。I saluted a nobody.

叛军们,我向你们敬礼。I salute you, rebels.

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战士们向国旗敬礼。Soldiers saluted the colors.

革命家们,我向你们敬礼。I salute you, revolutionaries.

“希尔上尉?”雷恩敬礼。"Captain Hill?" Raine saluted.

升国旗,奏国歌,敬礼。Raising flag, music, and salute.

士兵们向军官举手敬礼。The soldiers salute the officer.

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那名年青兵士拙笨地敬礼。The young soldier saluted awkwardly.

举手敬礼吧,士兵!Rise your hands and salute! Soldiers.

这时,警察就会肃立敬礼。The policeman would stand and salute.

警卫向车上的军官敬礼。The guard saluted the officer in the car.

五洲人民一同敬礼!People of five continents together salute.

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那个兵两脚跟咔嗒一声,立正敬礼。The soldier clicked his heels and saluted.

敬礼这面绚丽的中国八一军旗!Do obeisance to the florid China oriflamme!

敬礼,黑色的大地,强壮而又机警。Salutations, black earth, be strong and alert.

他说,“我告诉巡防队员不必朝我敬礼。I told the scouts to stop saluting me,” he said.

学生见到老师七米外要敬礼。Students see teacher seven meters outside to salute.

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他们向他敬礼,说,万岁,以色列之王!And they made obeisance to him, saying, Hail, King of.

达文西拉完小便,转回身,敬礼。Da Vinci urinates , turns back, and salutes the general.

升国旗奏国歌,全体少先队员向国旗敬礼。First, raise the flag and play national anthem. All salute!