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练武术有前程吗?A Future In Martial Arts?

拼着一切代价,奔你的前程。At all costs, run your future.

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他们自毁前程、自食其果。They self-destruct future, damn.

我总是形影不离,与你计议前程。I am always here to plan with you.

花灯盏盏照亮你的前程!Lanterns as those light up your future!

珍丽意外地毁了自己的前程。Jenny accidentally ruined her prospects.

原不一样是我们的职司和前程。Unlike are we, unlike, o princely heart!

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承认你的错误并不等于自毁前程。It will not be suicide to admit your mistake.

她知道自己前程远大。She knew she was destined for a great future.

你现在的行为会毁掉你的前程的。Your present behaviour would spoil your future.

苏珊在考试中作弊,自毁了前程。Susan cooked her goose when she cheated in the exam.

她把自己的政治前程押在税制改革上,结果赌输了。She staked her political career on tax reform, and lost.

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这是波莉在前程远大的事业中取得的又一个里程碑。Polley’s promising career has achieved another milestone.

他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前程。His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy.

沙玛斯女士声明她侄女的前程被毁了。Mrs Summers declared that her niece's prospects were ruined.

前程无忧招聘网首席职场专家冯利娟也同意陈耀的观点。Feng Lijuan, chief HR expert at 51job. com, agreed with Chen.

忆往昔峥嵘岁月,望未来前程更辉煌。Recall the eventful years, look forward to prosperous future.

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遥眺未来,中国文化的前程是朱邦复最关心的事。Chu Bong Foo is concerned about the future of Chinese culture.

如果你继续这种愚蠢的行为,你会自毁前程的。You will ruin your prospects if you continue to be so foolish.

我们衷心祝愿她一帆风顺,前程美好!We wish her to be problem-free heartfeltly, the future is happy!