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扩大招生导致教育费用急剧上升。Increas enrol caus a sharp rise in educ costs.

从九月到十一月是个招生淡季。It is an off-season from September to November.

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招生部能考察其他不同的因素。the mix of things the admissions department look at.

许多人都拥有学院招生的内部经验。Some have inside experience in the admissions process.

这所重点中学的招生名额是300人。The quota for this key middle school is 300 enrollments.

阳光童馨国际幼儿园---开始招生啦!Sunny Kids Garden International Kindergarten Pre-opening!

去年秋天我们曾登广告招生,并且招了60多名。We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got more than 60.

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我和哥伦比亚大学的招生人员谈得很不错。I had a great interview with Admissions at Columbia University.

补习班招生已满额。The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota.

这种转变在研究生院的招生中也可见一斑。The shift in attitudes is also apparent in graduate school enrollment.

你应该去拜访他们,如果你正在寻找一种招生校对。You should visit them if you are looking for a admissions proofreader.

您好。一年一度的观澜湖高球学院夏令营开始招生啦。The yearly program Mission Hills Golf Academies Summer Camp has opened.

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学生们讨论反歧视行动和大学招生问题。Students discuss the issue of affirmative action and college admissions.

九十八学年度本系硕、博士班招生委员会委员名单,提请讨论。A. Discussion of suggested members of the MA and PhD Admission Committee.

目前,我国教育硕士招生考试分为两类。Current, our country teachs cent of Master entrance exam to be two kinds.

学院面向全国招生,现有在校本科生6678人。Currently there are nearly 6678 undergraduates from all over the country.

筹备许久面向中国学生的哈罗公学自办夏令营终于开始招生了!!Registrations have begun for the first Harrow Chinese Only Summer School.

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对一年只拜候一到两次的招生人员去讲那很艰巨。That's tough for American recruiters who only visit once or twice a year.

面对众多的招生广告,申请人也许会无从选择。Face numerous recruitment advertisement, the applicant may have no choice.

审查和骨技能,为学院和研究生院的招生考试。Reviews and hones skills for college and graduate school admissions exams.