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万一读到一本坏书,那就将贻害无穷了。In the event you read one bad book, it can bring unending trouble.

养成浪费的习惯对一个人的一生影响贻害无穷。An extravagant habit may produce a lasting and disastrous impact on one's life.

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染上赌博的恶习将贻害无穷。Getting into the bad habit of gambling will bring continuous evil consequences.

对于学历,不应弄虚作假,因为虚假的学历贻害无穷。Academic credentials shouldn't be falsified because false credentials are dangerous.

习惯成自然,好的习惯让你获益,坏的习惯贻害无穷。Habit is second nature. You will benefit from a good habit but a bad one does endless harm.

“你说得对,”汤姆回答,“没有得到搜查令的搜查其后果肯定会贻害无穷。"I guess you're left, " Linda replied. "Searching lacking a warrant get to prove to be a detriment.

“行政软骨病”贻害无穷,我们要引起足够的重视。We should attach more importance to "administrative rickets" because it is greatly harmful for our society.

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很多经济学家认为这对英国经济贻害无穷,其它人则对纳税额多少争论不休。A number of economists believe it is doing lasting damage to the British economy. Others dispute the charge.

封建礼教对人的毒害不只是当时当地,对后代也贻害无穷。Feudal ethical codes did not poison people of that time, but also brought endless harm to generations to come.

酗酒贻害无穷,以至于我很难开口劝说人们为了健康而开始饮酒。Alcohol is very harmful when abused, so much so that it's difficult for me to tell people to start drinking for their health.

知道友谊的珍贵,我们就该谨慎交友。好朋友对我们帮助很多,而不好的朋友则贻害无穷。日久见人心。Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. A good friend is helpful to us while a bad friend would be harmful.

我发现了一个以前完成的调查,上面说当150年前火车作为一种先进科技刚出来的时候,一些记者和知识分子担心铁轨的破坏性会让社会贻害无穷。As I’ve found in previous research, when trains were a new technology 150 years ago, some journalists and intellectuals worried about the destruction that the railroads would bring to society.