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我会小心照看它们。I watch out for them.

他给临时来照看孩子的保姆付了钱。He paid the babysitter.

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我们的合照看起来怎样?How do we look together?

照看这些晓树是他们的职责。It's their duty to look.

今晚能帮我照看下孩子吗?Can you baby-sit tonight.

我们很少请人照看孩子。We rarely hire babysitters.

我给本找了个照看他的人。I got a baby-sitter for Ben.

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你照看好孩子。And you took care of your kids.

告诉Sarah去照看孩子们。Tell Sarah to go watch the kids.

我儿子能帮我照看商店。My son can mind the store for me.

魏华,请照看他们。Wei Hua, look after them, please.

那会儿谁帮你照看孩子们呢?Who held down your children then?

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今天我在家照看我的小外甥。Today, I was babysitting my nephew.

你可以帮忙照看我的狗狗吗?Will you please take care of my dog?

所以我决定照看我的小表妹。So I decided to look after my cousin.

护士每天照看着这病人。The nurse attended the patient daily.

年轻的妇女不适合照看孩子。Young women are not fit to childmind.

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我不晓畅何如照看我的宠物。I don't know how to look after my pet.

我在为人照看房子呢,去那儿过夜。I'm house-sitting, go there for night.

她经常去照看这个孩子。She frequently baby-sat for the child.