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老和尚在寺院中圆寂。The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple.

她圆寂以后,我才分明到,那是多么明智的创议啊。I realize now, after her death, what wise advice that is.

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他妻子去年圆寂了。此刻他一私人住。His wife died a year bair conditionerk. Now he lives in isoline.

是寺僧圆寂火化后灵骨的墓葬地。It was used as burial ground for monks of temple after cremation.

在黎明,他转过右侧面的头朝向北方,接着圆寂了。At early dawn he turned on his right side with his head to the north, and died.

在杂阿含经中有一个非常简短的佛经谈到圆寂。There is a very brief sutra dealing with the Great Decease in the Samyutta Nikaya.

他于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。When he died in 975 AD at the age of 72, Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land.

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这样做可以保持笼罩在他圆寂前任周围的神秘氛围。That was to help maintain the veil of secrecy surrounding the death of his predecessor.

他于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。When he passed away in 975 AD at the age of 72, Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land.

永明寿大师于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。When he passed away in 975 AD at the age of 72, Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land.

当时严格地依靠口耳传承,而他的上师又已经圆寂,故此他非常担忧。Because it was a strictly oral teaching he was very worried because his guru had already passed away.

此寺藏经丰富,供奉得道高僧圆寂后化成的舍利子,亦设有大型斋堂。Canon rich temple, dedicated to enlightenment monk passed away into the relic, also has a large dining hall.

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一年一度的卫赛节是纪念2000多年前的这人佛陀的出生,悟道和圆寂。The annual Vesak day honors the birth, enlightenment, and death of the philosopher Buddha more than 2,000 years ago.

但随着这些僧人不断圆寂,他们把由老一辈传承下来的东西随之“带走了”。After these monks passed into Parinirvana one by one, they also "took away" those traditions inherited from older generations.

然而,也许,这个简短的经文与伟大的圆寂已经发展成为大般若涅槃经。But, presumably, the brief sutra dealing with the Great Decease has been developed into the Mahaparinibbana Sutra in the course of time.

大觉者圆寂之后,依之作任何胜妙的发愿与誓言都会很快成就。Right after the parinirvana of great enlightened beings, whatever virtuous aspirations and commitments you make will swiftly be fulfilled.

蒋贡康楚在圆寂之前,曾经一次又一次地说道,他一直祈愿能够转生为一个不再吃肉的人。Jamgon Kongtrul, before he died, said again and again, that he is always praying that he will be reborn as someone who would not eat meat anymore.

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这是喇嘛桑圆寂一周年的特别祈祷仪式红格尔仁波切正庄严而又专注祈祷着。This is the prayer and dedication ceremony for Lamasang on the one year anniversary of his passing. Hungkar Rinpoche can be seen in solemn prayer and concentration.

也许还有另一本论述佛圆寂的中文著作,我曾经提到过他的存在,通过马克斯。There is perhaps another Chinese work on the death of Buddha, of the existence of which I have been informed, through the kind intervention of Professor Max Muller, by Mr.

果然在布袋和尚圆寂后,人才从他留在破墙上的偈语,明白他原来是将来降生人间成佛的弥勒菩萨。After the Cloth Bag Monk passed into stillness, people discovered from a verse on a broken-down wall that he was Maitreya Bodhisattva, who will be the next to achieve Buddhahood in this world.