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食物又便宜又热乎。It's cheap and hot.

汤还热乎。The soup is still warm.

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爱情就像大便,刚拉出来是热乎的,过壹会儿就凉了。Love is like shit, just pull out is hot, too cold for a while.

有些孩子得过个把小时才能与陌生人热乎起来。It takes an hour or so for some children to warm up to strangers.

提供热乎的饭菜和住宿地方,尤其是在冬天。Providing warm meals and shelter, especially in the winter months.

第一次见面他们就谈得这么热乎,看来是个好兆头。It seemed a good sign that they're cordially hobnobbing at the first time meeting.

他们签订了两个协议,目的是使彼此的关系热乎起来。They signed two agreements that served to warm up the atmosphere of their relations.

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在这个过程中,他开始给当地下晚班的炼钢工人提供一种热乎的早餐。Along the way, he began serving a hot breakfast to local steelworkers coming off the night shift.

是啊,她只是一位非常热乎的,大胸脯的朋友,你想骗谁啊?Yeah, she’s just a really hot, big bosomed, nymphomaniac friend. Who are you trying to kid, chief?

我和李响离的是如此的近啊,但是他正和另一个哥们谈得热乎,所以我没有打扰他们,离开了。I was so closed to Lixiang but he was talking with another guy warmly so there were no bothering but leaving.

这群响马养养伤,吃顿热乎饭,一个个马上就能成为精神焕发的好汉。These ring Ma Yang to reserve bruise and dine peppery rice, a can become in high spirits good brave fellow at once.

等事情风平浪静,说不定等哪天有了合适的机会,你和老板的关系就热乎起来了。Wait for the tide to calm, who knows, your relationship with your manager might prosper given the right opportunity.

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他们这样做,囚犯们甚至可以在村庄内吃到些热乎的东西,似乎预示着悲惨命运的结束。That they did it, and that the prisoners even got something warm to eat in the village seemed to promise an end to the misery.

如果以上全不通过,请拉在自己的裤兜里,找个热乎地方烘干,四天后洗裤子!If the above whole impassability lead, please pull in oneself of the trousers Dou, seek hot the place dry and four divas wash pants!

多亏了俄勒冈州波特兰市的两位网站开发者,选票站前排着长队的疲惫选民可以吃到新出炉的热乎披萨了。Hot, fresh pizzas are on their way to fatigued voters in long lines at the polls, thanks to two Portland, Oregon-based web developers.

看着人们脸上的喜气儿,身上的热乎气儿,穿梭在人流中的您,定会为这浓浓的京味儿感叹不已。People watching the joyful faces of children, body warming gas children, shuttling through the flow of you will for this deep and Jing Weier sigh.

上个月我在中国转了转,32年里中国发生了翻天覆地的变化——关于中国崛起的争论还热乎着呢。Traveling through the country last month, I could see how much China had changed in 32 years — and yet the debate about its remarkable rise remains familiar.

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女娲那寂寞的心一下子热乎起来,她想把世界变得热热闹闹,让世界到处都有她亲手造出来的人,于是不停工作,捏了一个又一个。Nu Wa the lonely heart suddenly warming up, she wanted to become bustling world, around the world are made out of her hand, so we kept working, pinched one another.

内塔尼亚胡的利库德集团如今领导着执政联盟,但仍然无视这项条约的缺陷,却谈论起“冷和平”,并指责埃及政府没有采取措施使和平热乎起来。Mr Netanyahu's Likud party, which leads today's ruling coalition, still ignores the flaws in the treaty, talking of a "cold peace" and blaming Egypt's government for not warming it up.

他在那个用两块马口铁桶做的火箭柴炉上烧火做饭,如果天晴太阳高照,还能靠挂在树上的那个黑塑料袋里搞点热乎水洗洗澡。His food would be cooked on a rocket stove made from two old catering tins, and he would wash in a solar shower essentially a black plastic bag suspended from a tree, and warmed by the sun.