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中碳钢失败告诉我如果它将得到锋利。Medium carbon steel fails to tell me if it will get sharp.

中碳钢的强度比低碳钢大得多。Medium carbon steel is much stronger than low carbon steel.

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适用于焊接低碳钢、中碳钢、低合金钢及铸件。Suitable for welding of low carbon steel, medium carbon steel, low alloy steel and etc.

通过液固结合的方式制备高铬铸铁和中碳钢双金属复合材料。The bimetal composites were produced by combining the high chromium and midcarbon steel.

据此,初步探讨了激光热处理能使中碳钢耐磨性能提高的原因。The cause of high wear resistance of laser quenched layer was also discussed in this paper.

低粘度油性金属切削油,适用于黄铜、青铜、铝、低到中碳钢的普通加工。Cutting oil for general machining of brass, bronze, aluminium and low to medium carbon steel.

适用于焊接低碳钢、中碳钢、低合金钢及铸件等。Suitable for welding of low carbon steel, medina carbon steel, low ally steel and their cast etc.

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中碳钢的强、硬度主要取决于珠光体团的直径、铁素体的大小和分布。The mechanical properties of the middle carbon steel dependent on the size of ferrite grain and pearlite lump.

用于受磨损的碳钢、中碳钢、低合金钢机件边面堆焊、修复。Fsurfacing welding repair the parts of wear out face made by carbon steels, dle carbon steels low-alloy steels.

采用带有微小表面预制裂纹和边缘预制裂纹的中碳钢试验片进行了疲劳实验。Fatigue test is done on medium carbon steel specimens with small surficial pre-cracks and single-edge pre-cracks.

利用光学显微镜对中碳钢退火孪晶的形态及形成机制进行了研究。Morphology and forming mechanism of annealing twin in medium carbon steels have been studied with optical microscope.

但使用于铣刀上来铣削中碳钢工件则操纵性非常差,甚至比未镀件还差。However, the CrN-coated cutter performed poorly in milling of medium carbon steel, even poorer than the uncoated ones.

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介绍了工业试制铌钒微合金中碳钢的微观组织与强度的关系。Microstructure-strength relationships in Nb-V microalloyed medium carbon steel industrially trial-produced are studied.

用于受磨损的碳钢、中碳钢、低合金钢机件边面堆焊、修复。For surfacing welding or repair the parts of wear out face made by carbon steels, middle carbon steels and low-alloy steels.

本文为添加多种不同的金属元素,于中碳钢表面进行氩焊被覆之研究。The study of this paper deals with that adding many kinds of different metallic elements cladded on surface of medium carbon steel.

这就为制定含钒中碳钢加热制度和控冷工艺提供了基本条件。These special features provide a basic condition for calefaction system and controlled cooling processes of vanadium middle carbon steel.

传统的中碳钢调质处理滑动叉,工艺复杂、废品率高。The technology of traditional quenched and tempered medium carbon steel sliding yoke is very complicated and it has high rejection rate too.

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中碳钢连铸板坯存在着在冷却、运输、二次切割、存放过程中不时出现批量低温状态开裂的现象。The medium carbon steel slabs sometimes experience batch cracking in low temperature when cooled, transported, second cut or in later storage.

请指出低碳钢、中碳钢和高碳钢的碳含量范围,指出一些它们应用的实例。Point out the range of carbon content of low-carbon steel, medium-carbon steel and high-carbon steel. Give some examples for their applications.

含氮奥氏体不锈钢的安全角优于硬度为HRC33.7和HRC30.1的高温回火中碳钢,前者具有较高的抗弹丸倾斜入射的能力。The safe angle of nitrogen alloyed austenitic stainless steel is better than high tempered middle carbon steel of HRC33.7 and HRC30.1 in hardness.