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这是一个学习的真正契机。This is a real chance to learn.

每一场考试都是人生的契机。Every examination is a chance in life.

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伟大变革的契机正在兴起。A great opportunity for change has arisen.

这是一个值得努力把握的契机。That is an opportunity that is worth effort.

此次“猪”乱倒不失为一次达成上述两个目的的契机。The PIGS crisis is a chance to address those two points.

我们对于这个契机和挑战应该同表欢迎。We should welcome both the opportunity and the challenge.

盲文开创了教育契机的新世界。Braille opened up a new world of possibility and education.

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在新的一年里,海福乐将有很多新的发展契机。This year Häfele will be faced with many new opportunities.

中小企业如何利用信贷危机所带来的契机?How can small businesses take advantage of the credit crunch?

麦粒须等待大自然的契机方能成熟,我却无须等待,因为我有选择自己命运的能力。I need not wait for I have the power to choose my own destiny.

科技的进步为艺术的发展带来新的契机。With the department of science , art has new job-program modes.

回顾会议是一个很好的契机来引入这些实验。The retrospective is a good time to introduce these experiments.

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命运把我们的小失误变成了一个伟大的契机。Fate has turned our little misadventure into a great opportunity.

借此契机,我只想表达对亲人的感念之意。I just would like to take this opportunity to thank for my family.

我们会说日月食是促进改变的契机。We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change.

他用不可避免的障碍作为革新的契机。He uses the inevitable roadblocks as an opportunity for innovation.

而重庆喜地山戴斯大酒店,正是看准了这样一个契机。Chongqing Xidishan Days Hotel just gets hold of such an opportunity.

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如今这些阴影,让我看见力量与改变的契机。Among these penumbras, I see the power and the turning point to change.

这就为电力系统的区间阻尼控制提供了新的契机。It makes a new chance for the inter-area damping control of the system.

在这样关键的时刻,本应是教会大力开展文宣事工的契机。Such critical moment is indeed a golden opportunity for media evangelism.