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枣调和气血,润燥。Jujube reconcile Qi blood and moistening dryness.

经脉中的气血运行是循环贯注的,如环无端。Qi and blood in the meridians circulate in cycles.

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申国推拿按摩有助于调节气血。Chinese massage helps you to regulate qi and blood.

肝之气血是“肝者,罢极之本”的物质基础。The Qi and blood is the material base of the theory.

气血津液都是维持人体生命活动的基本物质。Qi is a sort of refined substance with powerful activity.

人们到了老年经脉气血缺乏,面色少华。People get old meridians Qi and blood deficiency, a small.

气血不和,百病乃变化而生。The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases.

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调气血,滋阴养颜,改善微循环,排除毒素。Restrain circulation, get rid of toxin and improve complexion.

图像分析表明,气血屏障的厚度,随胎龄的增长而变薄。The thickness of blood-air barrier was measured by image analyzer.

今晚的神秘气血运行,通过你的大腿内侧赠礼。The mystical blood runs tonight, Gifting through your inner thighs.

肝火上冲或气血大虚都可形成本病。治疗中多用疏肝、清肝之剂。Liver heat uprush or very deficient Qi and blood can cause the disease.

洗浴后皮肤油腻,浑身舒畅,气血通顺,心旷神怡。Oily skin after bathing, every mind and the body fluent in its landscaping.

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气血瘀滞则面色晦黯,或有黑斑、雀斑等,表情呆滞。Blood stasis, dark dark complexion, delay or shading, fleck, such as torpor.

腧穴是人体脏腑、经络气血在体表的特殊部位。Acupoints are special parts of body organs and meridian blood in body surface.

如气血不足引起的乳汁不足可服用猪蹄汤之类的滋补品。Such as blood deficiency caused by insufficient can take milk such supplements.

气血津液都是维持人体生命活动的基本物质。Qi, blood and body fluid are the basic substances for maintaining life activities.

当人的气血上升,特别是肺气较热时,人就会流鼻血。When the people rise in blood, especially lung hotter, the people will nosebleeds.

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文章试就此问题的提出及十二经脉气血运行始自手太阴肺经的四个方面论述之。In this paper it has expounded the issue at this point through the four directions.

滑利关节、疏通经络、调畅气血。The smooth joint, dredges the channels and collaterals, the accent smooth vitality.

对于气血虚,有手脚冰冷症的人,更要注意调补。For gas hemopenia, iciness of disease, should pay attention to adjusting and mending.