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哦,多么好的奖品!Oh,what a prize!

我们俩共获一个奖品。We both won a prize.

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奖品等您拿。A prize is awaiting you.

杰克赢得了奖品。Jack bore away the prize.

她赢得了全部奖品。She potted all the prizes.

奖品等您拿。An award is waiting for you.

奖品被判给了她。The prize was adjudged to her.

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他扬扬得意地举起了他的奖品。He held up the prize in triumph.

他赢得了他们大家都渴望得到的奖品。He won the prize they all coveted.

奖品叫做“屈原杯”。The award is called "Qu Yuan Cup."

校长向学生颁发奖品。The headmaster gave out the prizes.

每个男孩都赢得了奖品。Each of the boys has gained a prize.

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评判人授予她奖品。The judges awarded the prize to her.

他们把奖品评判给获胜者。They adjudged a prize to the victor.

给自己一个当之无愧的奖品!Give yourself a well-deserved reward!

铜奖的奖品到达了。The prize of the bronze medal arrived.

他们为了获得奖品而相互竞争。They coped with each other for the prize.

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快快发送,奖品等您拿。Send in your answer now to get your award.

如果你找到这个幸运蛋,奖品就是你赢了。If you find the lucky egg, you win a prize.

它是一个伟大成就的纪念品或奖品。A souvenir or reward of a great achievement.