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他们引我来到一间阴冷的会客室。They showed me into a bleak waiting room.

风刮得阴冷如冬——四周是一片凄凉。The cold wind from the north chilled the day.

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一个有些阴冷的女音倏地响起。A some cold Yin female sound Shu grounds ring out.

或许我们就能结束那阴冷的十一月雨。Or I"ll just end up walkin" in the cold November rain.

那天天气非常阴冷,巨大而干燥的橡皮船非常诱人。The day was raw and gray, the big, dry rafts inviting.

阴冷的风摧残着灿烂的正在盛开的花朵。The bleak breeze blights the brightly blooming blossom.

过完了很长一段时间阴冷的雨天,今天终于迎来了一个温暖的艳阳天!It is a warm sunny day after a long period of rainy and cold.

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在一个阴冷又下着雨的选举日,我们一起外出投票。On a cold and rainy Election Day we head out together to vote.

我慢慢走进去,洞内阴冷的空气让我手上起满了鸡皮疙瘩。I stepped inside, my arms turning to goose bumps from the chill.

流浪猫蜷伏在阴冷的巷角,嗅着风雨中的霉味。Stray cat crouched in the cold wind rain lane angle, smell musty.

难道这个美丽的米兰城比不上那个阴冷干燥的伦敦吗?Can not this Milan beautiful compare with that sombrely dry London?

阿拉斯加以其夜长昼短的阴冷冬季与长日照的夏季而著名。Alaska is known for its dark cold winters and long daylight summers.

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你问,为何,这阴冷凄清的地方琐链般将我牢牢束缚?Why, you ask, was I bound and chained to this cold and dismal place?

里面是一个混凝土结构的阴冷的房间,粉墙,没有灯罩的灯发出淡淡的光。Inside was a bleak room of concrete and calcimine and unshaded light.

这个黑色椅子固定在一个圆形的木制平台上,摆放在一个阴冷的小房子里。The black chair sits on a round wooden platform in a small, dank room.

多戈瑞和玻莉在伦敦一个阴冷潮湿的夏天认识并成为朋友。Digory and Polly meet and become friends one cold, wet summer in London.

最终,在一个阴冷的二月天,我受够了,我剪掉了大部分的头发。Finally one bleak February I had had enough and lopped off most of my hair.

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“表哥,不要着急,你们一个也跑不了。”成亚坤脸上露出阴冷的笑。" Don't worry, your cousin, one can escape. " Cheng Yakun face bleak smile.

第二年三月的一天,我感到潮湿阴冷于是朝窗外望了望,外面阴沉沉,灰蒙蒙的,草坪上到处是一堆堆不“化”的污雪。Until one raw day the following March when I glanced out the window. Dismal.

报纸将这些女性吃、睡、排泄的屋子形容为“阴冷、臭味熏天的”。It described the rooms the women ate, slept and defecated in as dank and smelly.