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下过街天桥就是。Just down under the overline bridge.

你可以走过街天桥过马路。You may cross the street by the footbridge.

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这条街上将要建另外一座过街天桥。Another fly-over will be built across the street.

过马路时,我们一定要走人行横道或过街天桥。A path marked off for pedestrians crossing a street.

城里在公路上建了一座过街天桥。The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway.

在那条街的拐角处正在建起一个过街天桥。An overpass is being put up at the corner of the street.

之后在你的前方你会看到两座过街天桥。After you do, ahead of you, you'll see two pedestrian fly overs.

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北京已建成越来越多的高速公路和过街天桥。More and more highways and overhead walkways have been built up.

这是8月10日站在外滩地区靠近交通灯的过街天桥上的市民。Above, people stand next to traffic lights on the Bund area on Aug. 10.

你走你的过街天桥,我过我的地下通道。You walk you of the street to the bridge, I had my underground passage.

过街天桥上都挂上鼓励步行和骑车的条幅。Crosswalks een got a fresh coat of paint to encourage walking and biking.

向右转,你可以看到在十字路口有一座行人过街天桥。Turn to the right, you can see a pedestrian overpass at the intersection.

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过街天桥上都挂上鼓励步行和骑车的条幅。Crosswalks even got a fresh coat of paint to encourage walking and biking.

陈浩万般无奈来到过街天桥卖唱,挣房租和生活费。Chen Hao has no alternative come to overpass sing for a living, make chummage and living cost.

过马路时,我们一定要走人行横道或过街天桥。When we need to cross the street, we should always use the pedestrian crossings or pedestrian bridges.

当你穿过马路,要走人行横道或过街天桥,地下通道。When one crosses the street, one should take the crosswalk, underground passage or pedestrian overpass.

对。然后走过街天桥,你就会看到一幢白楼,楼顶是蓝色的。That's right. Then walk through the over-head crossing. And you will see a white building with a blue roof.

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部分军队占据了俯瞰示威者营地的过街天桥,有人见到他们向营地中开了几枪。Some troops occupied a highway overpass overlooking the camp and were seen firing sporadic shots into the camp.

第三十二条道路交叉路口和行人横过道路较为集中的路段应当设置人行横道、过街天桥或者过街地下通道。Article 32 Crosswalks , overpasses or underpasses shall be built at the sections of roads with crosses and relatively many pedestrians.

去年10月,在新德里英联邦运动会举办场所尼赫鲁体育场附近,一座正在修建的行人过街天桥坍塌,数十人受伤。Last October, the Commonwealth Games held in place in New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, is building a pedestrian overpass collapsed and dozens injured.