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我们还有扫盲问题。We still have a literacy problem.

成年人扫盲是个难题。Adult literacy is a global problem.

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扫盲运动生气勃勃地展开了。The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.

在苏区时,我们开办过扫盲班和农民学校。While in the Soviet Area we opened literacy classes and peasants' schools.

即使是由扫盲委员会提供的最小的团体都可以。Even some of the smallest communities are served by a county literacy council.

投资扫盲计划是一个明智而又必要的发展选择。Investing in literacy programs is a sensible and essential development choice.

“所以对我们来说,扫盲要比网络内容问题更重要,”他补充道。"So we have, on top of the content issue, literacy issues as well, " he added.

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她对一些重要议题报有极大热情,尤其是关于教育和扫盲。She has great passion about important subjects, especially education and literacy.

欧洲扫盲初见成果时,同样也兴起了一股阅读圣经和研究宗教之风。Bible-reading and religious study similarly swept Europe when literacy first spread.

让人们习惯于用活跃的数据说话,于我来说,这是一个扫盲项目。Getting people used to talking with animated data is, to my mind, a literacy project.

扫盲就是一项人权,是全民教育和终身学习的基础。Literacy, the foundation of all education and lifelong learning, is one of these rights.

所有证据都表明,投资开展妇女扫盲能带来很高的发展红利。All evidence shows that investment in literacy for women yields high development dividends.

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各地扫盲教学材料的编写须覆盖基本课程的全部内容。Around the teaching of literacy materials prepared must cover the entire contents of basic courses.

农民业余文化教育的主要任务是对农民进行扫盲。Elimination of the illiterate person in the farmer is the mainly task of farmer's pastimecultural education.

今年的国际扫盲日特别关注扫盲与和平的必然联系。This year, International Literacy Day places a special focus on the essential relationship between and peace.

有700多人获全国妇联、国家教委颁发的巾帼扫盲奖。More than 700 people have won women's literacy prize issued by the ACWF and the State Commission of Education.

上市以来,该行举办了数期金融知识扫盲班,仅去年一年,就有6万多位顾客前去听课。Since going public, it has offered financial literacy courses-some 60,000 of its clients went on one last year.

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我一回到家乡就把汉娜存下来的钱以她的名义捐给了“犹太扫盲联盟”。As soon as I returned from New York, I donated Hanna's money in her name to the Jewish League Against Illiteracy.

她的婆婆芭芭拉布什在1991年通过了全国扫盲法,劳拉布什也追随着她的脚印。Laura followed in the footsteps of mother-in-law Barbara Bush, who helped pass the National Literacy Act in 1991.

很多国家把它看作有效提供扫盲教育和非正规教育的具有很强操作性的机制。Many of the countries have taken it as a strong viable mechanism to provide literacy and NFE programs effectively.