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公鸡打鸣时,我的一天初步了,健康。I hear the rooster and my day!

这是一个初步判断。This is a preliminary judgment.

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子卫星的构想仍然是初步的。The moonlet idea is still preliminary.

我们已有一个初步了解。We have a rudimentary knowledge of it.

建立了初步的数学模型。Create a primary mathematization model.

并初步分析了其原因是由于输入云带的影响。And the reason is the inflow cloud zone.

初步证据表明他有罪。Prima facie he would appear to be guilty.

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阜康阿魏种子质量分级标准初步研究。Study on standard of Ferula fukanensis K.

本文对川-11井异常进行了初步分析。We discuss the 11 times abnormal changes.

文章题目中国山矾科的初步研究。A preliminary study on Symplocos of China.

这个条件是初步阶段的癌症。Usually , the period of preliminary stage.

这样能对接下来会发生什么有个初步概念It's good to have an idea of what's coming.

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标题中国泥炭属植物的初步观察。A preliminary study of the Chinese Sphagnum.

苗儿山植物区系的初步研究。A preliminary study on the Miaoershan flora.

他把下棋的初步知识教给儿子。He initiated his son into the game of chess.

初步探讨了稀土对耐磨高碳铬钼钢的作用。Hearin a preliminary approach is made to it.

地电勘探是初步的。The Report by Geoelectricity is preliminary.

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这份合同得到初步认可。The contract has been accepted provisionally.

初步研究了索状链的一些性质。Some basic properties of the RC are discussed.

初步统计结果显示我们已经失败了。The preliminary results showed that we’d lost.