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雷电再次闪击。The lightning struck again.

雷电,关掉你的游戏机。Raiden, switch off your console.

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我颤抖起来,犹如那接近雷电的水I tremble as water does near thunder

宙斯用雷电刺穿了天空。Zeus stabs the sky with thunderbolts.

最高的树最易招惹雷电。Loftiest trees most dread the thunder.

那么你发誓,要是你不送来,天主就用雷电劈死你。Say Lord strike you dead if you don't!

在那遥远的地方有雷电哀悼么?Are there thunders moaning in the distance?

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斜穿雷电雾霭,直奔黎明。Its path athwart the thunder-smoke of dawn.

雷电从天空引起玩家的注意。Thunderbolts from the sky striking Players.

佳丽与雷电都是弱神经型的犬。Both Callie and Thunder are weak nerved dogs.

雷电干扰了电视接收。An electrical storm blanketed out TV reception.

这时,第一个雷电劈向大地。Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth.

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我焦灼在他蓝色的雷电里好象沙漠上的先知。I sizzled in his blue volts like a desert prophet.

小孩受到雷电的惊吓,哭了起来。Scared by the thunderclap, the child began to cry.

望长空,死寂当作雷电,云烟视为平途。Look the sky, dead as lightning, and clouds as flat way.

雷电所劈的正是高山之巅。It is the tops of the mountain that the lightning strike.

雷电所劈的正是高山之巅。It is the tops of the mountain that the lightning strikes.

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你知道一只癞蛤蟆被雷电集中之后会有什么后果么?You know what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning?

我在想雷电的德国马克的,得到了一个小创意。I was thinking about Raiden's DM's and got a little creative.

帮助宙斯制造雷电的三个独眼泰坦神之一。Any of the three one-eyed Ttans ho forged thunderbolts for Zeus.